MEETING DATE May 05 2020

Meeting 5/5/20

Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 6:30 PM

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Link for the meeting:

Meeting ID: 856 9314 1780

Password: 951202

Use the Raise Hand function to ask a question during the meeting.

Dial In number for the meeting:

+1 301 715 8592

Meeting ID: 856 9314 1780

Password: 951202

Press *9 to be ask a question during the meeting.

This is a public meeting. All video images displayed, and all audio heard during this meeting will be recorded.

May 2020 Agenda

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call 
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. PSA Reports: Metropolitan Police Department- 1D, 3D
  4. 485 K St. NW (RASA MVT, LLC) Request for support for new Retailer’s Class “C” Restaurant ABRA License [6E05]
  5. 476 K St. NW  476 K, LLC, the Cloakroom) Request support for a Substantial Change to its Retailer’s Class “C” Tavern ABRA License Request to Change Hours of Operation Inside Premises [6E05]
  6. 601 K St. NW Jemal’s East 451, LLC (AC Hotel) Request for support for new Retailer’s Class “C” Hotel ABRA License. Establishment will have a summer garden with 60 seats. Licensee is requesting to have an Entertainment Endorsement including dancing inside and outside.  [6E05]
  7. 1840 7th Street NW, Lots 53 and 54, Square 417: Request for support to rezone the property from RF-1 zone district to ARTS-3 zone district. The property is in ANC 1B adjacent to 6E01.
  8. Lot 252, Square 620: Request for support for the proposed dedication of land for the First Street NW right-of-way. [6E06]
  9. Presentation by the District of Columbia Office of People’s Counsel.
  10. Proposed K St. NW Protected Bike Lane (7th St. NW to 1st St. NE) [ANC 6E Transportation Advisory Committee]
  11. Recommendation for temporary sidewalk extensions near grocery stores and essential businesses. [ANC 6E Transportation Advisory Committee]
  12. Old Business
  13. Approval of Minutes of the 4/7/2020 Meeting
  14. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  15. Approval of Expenses
  16. Announcements
  17. Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 2, 2020
  18. Adjournment