Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 6:30 pm
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Link for the webinar:
Password: 829018
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Dial In number for the meeting:
+1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 837 0336 7618 Password: 829018
Press *9 to ask a question during the meeting.
This is a public meeting. All video images displayed, and all audios heard during this meeting will be recorded. Agenda items subject to change.
October 2021 Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- PSA Reports: Metropolitan Police Department- 1D, 3D
- Report from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services
- Report from Councilmember Allen’s Office
- Presentation by the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services on the Pilot Program for the Encampment at the New Jersey Ave. and O St. Park [6E04]
- 1251 4th St. NW (Hoagie House) Request for Support for the Historic Preservation Review Board [6E04]
- Application of S Street Village LLC for a Zoning Map Amendment from RF-1 to ARTS-2 for 614 S Street, NW (Sq. 442, Lots 88, 108, 110, 810 and 811) DDOT to Discuss Final Concepts for the H Street NW Bus Priority Program
- DPR Presentation on Current DPR Issues in ANC 6E
- Transportation Advisory Committee:
- Public Space Application to Create a Curbside Loading Zone at 838 2nd Street, NW (Capital Vista) [6E07]
- Public Space Application to Convert Existing Unenclosed Sidewalk Café to an Enclosed Sidewalk Café at 640 L Street, NW (Rumi’s Kitchen) [6E04]
- Letter to DDOT Requesting Traffic Safety Improvements on the 400 to 600 Blocks of K Street, NW Protected Bike Lane [6E05]
- Update from Pepco on the Mount Vernon Connected Communities Initiative
- Retraction of Grant Approval for The Judah Project
- Approval of Minutes September 7, 2021
- Approval of Treasurer’s Report
- Approval of Expenses
- Announcements
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 2, 2021
- Adjournment