MEETING DATE Oct 05 2021

Meeting 10/5/21, 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting via Zoom 

Link for the webinar:

Password: 829018 

Use the Raise Hand feature to ask a question during the webinar. 

Dial In number for the meeting: 

 +1 301 715 8592   

Webinar ID:  837 0336 7618   Password: 829018 

Press *9 to ask a question during the meeting. 

This is a public meeting. All video images displayed, and all audios heard during this meeting will be recorded. Agenda items subject to change. 

October 2021 Meeting Agenda 

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call   
  2. Approval of Agenda 
  3. PSA Reports: Metropolitan Police Department- 1D, 3D 
  4. Report from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services 
  5. Report from Councilmember Allen’s Office 
  6. Presentation by the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services on the Pilot Program for the Encampment at the New Jersey Ave. and O St. Park [6E04]
  7.  1251 4th St. NW (Hoagie House) Request for Support for the Historic Preservation Review Board [6E04]
  8. Application of S Street Village LLC for a Zoning Map Amendment from RF-1 to ARTS-2 for 614 S Street, NW (Sq. 442, Lots 88, 108, 110, 810 and 811) DDOT to Discuss Final Concepts for the H Street NW Bus Priority Program
  9. DPR Presentation on Current DPR Issues in ANC 6E
  10. Transportation Advisory Committee:
    • Public Space Application to Create a Curbside Loading Zone at 838 2nd Street, NW (Capital Vista) [6E07]
    • Public Space Application to Convert Existing Unenclosed Sidewalk Café to an Enclosed Sidewalk Café at 640 L Street, NW (Rumi’s Kitchen) [6E04]
    • Letter to DDOT Requesting Traffic Safety Improvements on the 400 to 600 Blocks of K Street, NW Protected Bike Lane [6E05]
  11. Update from Pepco on the Mount Vernon Connected Communities Initiative
  12. Retraction of Grant Approval for The Judah Project 
  13. Approval of Minutes September 7, 2021 
  14. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  15. Approval of Expenses 
  16. Announcements  
  17. Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 
  18. Adjournment