POSTED DATE Mar 27 2014

No April Fool’s Here! The ANC 6E Meeting is April 1st!






April 1, 2014, 6:30 PM

Northwest One Library

155 L Street, NW


  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. PSA Reports: Metropolitan Police Department
  4. 621 P Street, NW: Request for Zoning Relief to Allow Nonconforming Restaurant Use (Maggot Funk, LLC)
  5. 899 O Street, NW: Request for Support for Stipulated and Permanent Retailer’s Class C Hotel Licenses (Cambria Suites)
  6. 1600 7th Street, NW: Request for Support for Change in Hours of Operation (Dacha Beer Garden)
  7. 901 6th Street, NW: Request for Support for Public Space Permit for Unenclosed Sidewalk Café (Hampton Inn)
  8. 1300-1700 Blocks of 7th Street, NW (Howard Theatre/7th Street Streetscape): Information Presentation (DDOT)
  9. 900-1700 Blocks of 7th Street, NW: North-South Corridor Study Information Presentation (DDOT)
  10. 500-600 Blocks of Rhode Island Avenue, NW, South Side: Presentation on Northeast Boundary Tunnel (DC Water)
  11. Residents Only Parking in 6E04: Status of Requests (DDOT)
  12. 1206 4th Street, NW (Church of the Living God): Community Noise Complaints
  13. Age Friendly DC: Information Presentation (DC Commission on Aging)
  14. Emmaus Services for the Aging: Information Presentation
  15. Other New Business
  16. Old Business
  17. Approval of Minutes of 03/04/14 Meeting
  18. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  19. Approval of Expenses
  20. Announcements
  21. Next Meeting: 05/06/14
  22. Adjournment

Commissioner Contact Information:

6E01 Commissioner Alexander M. Padro, Chair: padroanc@gmail.com202-518-3794

6E02 Commissioner Kevin L. Chapple, Treasurer: chappleanc@aol.com202-449-5072

6E03 Commissioner Frank S. Wiggins: wigginsanc6E@gmail.com202-658-1560

6E04 Commissioner Rachelle P. Nigro, Vice Chair: nigroanc6e@gmail.com202-670-1732

6E05 Commissioner Marge Maceda, Secretary: mmacedaANC6E05@gmail.com202-360-7404

6E06 Commissioner Alvin O. Judd, Sr.: aoj1126@gmail.com301-440-3836

6E07 Commissioner Alfreda S. Judd: 202-628-6717