Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C
Public Meeting
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C convened at the Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Neighborhood Library, 1630 7th Street, N.W., Washington, DC, on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. Chair Alexander M. Padro presided.
Alexander M. Padro, Chair, ANC 2C01
Kevin L. Chapple, Treasurer, ANC 2C02
Doris L. Brooks, ANC 2C03 (arrived 6:45 p.m.)
Rachelle P. Nigro, Vice Chair & Secretary, ANC 2C04
Commissioner Padro called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Commissioner Nigro called the roll and the presence of a quorum was noted.
Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that the Agenda be approved as submitted. The Motion passed unanimously, 3 – 0 – 0.
Lt. Jeffery Carroll of Police Service Area 308 reported on crime activity in the area for the period September 5 – October 4, 2011 as follows:
Robberies: 6
Burglaries: 4
Thefts from Vehicles: 10
Stolen Autos: 3
Thefts: 7
Assaults with Dangerous Weapons: 1
Lt. Carroll reported that there were a total of 69 arrests in the PSA during the reporting period. He reiterated to residents not to leave valuables in their vehicles.
A question and answer period followed.
James Fenley of Jair Lynch Development Partners spoke regarding support for a public space permit for curbs cuts on the 1600 block of 5th Street, NW. He reported that KIPP DC is completely renovating the former Scott Montgomery Elementary School building. He stated that the work started in November 2010 and is anticipated to be completed in May 2012. He noted that along 5th Street, they are revamping the parking lot to put in new curb to allow entry/exit out of the parking lot for parents dropping off their children there. A question and answer period followed.
MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 2C support the Request for Support for Public Space Permit for curb cuts on the 1600 block of 5th Street, NW with the caveat that KIPP DC will have signage and extra personnel on hand to assist with safety of the students. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Kimberly Douglas, Principal, Shaw Middle School, spoke regarding the continued operation of the middle school and whether there would be adequate population to support the new school. She stated that Kaya Henderson, Chancellor of DC Public Schools, is considering not going forward with the modernization of the school because of declining enrollment. Douglas added that there are currently 150 students. She maintained that a modernized facility is needed to attract more population. In closing, she invited residents to visit the school and to communicate their support for the modernization of the middle school to elected officials.
Commissioner Padro spoke regarding attendance boundaries and the need for ANC 2C to address this issue so that children actually living in the neighborhood can attend Shaw Middle School and not another school further away.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 2C communicate its support for attendance boundary changes and other measures to increase the student body population at Shaw Middle School and that ANC 2C support the proposed construction of a new Shaw Middle School at the site of the current Shaw Junior High School at 925 Rhode Island Avenue, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor for Education, the Chancellor of DC Public Schools, and Councilmembers Jack Evans and Tommy Wells. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Commissioner Padro advised that ANC 2C has been invited to participate in a meeting with DCRA Director Nicholas Majett and Warren Williams, owner of the property at 1547 7th Street, NW. Commissioner Padro added that Williams would need to pay the past taxes at the higher blighted level, but that consideration may be given to a specific period of time going forward in which the blighted status could be held in abeyance. Commissioner Chapple was in support of such a meeting and further stated that no decision can be made by ANC 2C except during a public meeting. Commissioner Nigro and a resident felt that this dialogue should be held during a public meeting. A new petition signed by residents will be submitted at the time of the meeting.
Christine Roddy, attorney with Goulston & Stoors, introduced Brad King of Gensler, an architectural firm, to speak regarding the request for support for a Board of Zoning Adjustment application to allow construction of a new office building at 624 9th Street, NW. This location formerly housed the YWCA. The developer wants to replace the existing location with a new building. The developer is seeking relief from BZA in three areas: (1) penthouse requirements, (2) loading requirements, and (3) courtyard requirements. A public hearing will be held November 29, 2011 in the afternoon.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 2C support the Board of Zoning Adjustment Application of MRP Realty for variances and special exceptions for the property located at 624 9th Street, NW to allow for construction of a new commercial office building on the site and that said support be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Jeffrey Utz, attorney for Goulston & Storrs, spoke regarding relief from BZA to allow construction of a new office building to house the American Association of Medical Colleges. The building will be 11 stories with ground floor retail. The developer is seeking relief from BZA in three areas: (1) requesting a variance from parking; (2) roof structure set back; and (3) setback from Mt. Vernon Square.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC 2C support BZA Case No.18281 for zoning relief for construction of a new building at Square 451 (616 – 640 New York Avenue and 611 – 627 K Street, NW) and that said support be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Scott Fuller (IBG Partners), Greg White (Equity Residential) and Jeffrey Utz (attorney for Goulston & Storrs) spoke regarding a new development project at 455 I Street, NW. While this project is not in ANC 2C’s jurisdiction, they nonetheless wanted to make residents aware of the project. They will be seeking relief from BZA in the following areas: (1) penthouse; (2) courtyard; (3) floor area ratio (FAR) on the historic buildings; (4) lot occupancy requirement.
Commissioner Padro advised that the ABC Board has requested that the following be stricken from the Voluntary Agreement of 1618 Market, 1618 8th Street, NW, because they are unenforceable: (1) conformity with ABRA regulations; (2) snow removal; (3) agreement to conduct plantings on tree boxes.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 2C approve the revised Voluntary Agreement for 1618 Market incorporating the changes requested by the ABC Board. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
A representative requested support for long-term installation of banners depicting the logo and “United States Mint” on one side and the logo and “Department of the Treasury” on the other side at 801 9th Street, NW, to be renewed on an annual basis.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Brooks seconded that ANC 2C support the installation of the banners depicting the logo and “United States Mint” on one side and the logo and “Department of the Treasury” on the other side at 801 9th Street, NW for a period of one year and that said support be communicated in writing to the DDOT. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Kim Speed spoke regarding the National Race to End Women’s Cancer on Sunday, November 6, 2011 and the request for support for street closures on Pennsylvania Avenue, NW between 12th and 13th Streets.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Brooks seconded that ANC 2C support the street closures required to conduct the National Race to End Women’s Cancer on November 6, 2011 and that said support be communicated in writing to the Mayor’s Special Events Task Force and to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Dennis Potter of K&L Gates, LLP, one of the festival’s sponsors, and Sue Jeon, Expo Operations Co-Manager, spoke regarding the request for support for street closures to conduct the USA Science and Engineering Festival to be held April 27-29, 2012 at the Washington Convention Center. Potter noted that the event could not be held on the National Mall in 2012 because the National Park Service was doing turf restoration of the area at that time. The street closures requested were L Street between 7th and 9th with a lane closure on the east side of 9th Street. The Festival is free and will feature a career pavilion. Commissioner Padro advised that the festival organizers need to work with the neighborhood businesses so that visitors patronize the shops to compensate for business lost due to loss of metered parking during the event.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 2C support the street and lane closures required to conduct the USA Science and Engineering Festival at the Washington Convention Center, April 27-29, 2012, and that said support be communicated in writing to the Mayor’s Special Events Task Force and to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Meg Lelli spoke regarding the request for street closures by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) to conduct the Law Enforcement Ride and Run to Remember on October 16, 2011. The street closures requested were 3rd Street between Constitution and Independence Avenues.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Brooks seconded that ANC 2C support the street closures in its jurisdiction required to conduct the NLEOMF Law Enforcement Ride and Run to Remember on October 16, 2011 and that said support be communicated in writing to the Mayor’s Special Events Task Force and to the DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
No representative present.
Commissioner Nigro advised that a large RV was supposed to be coming twice a week to 7th and P Streets, NW, but that the RV has had mechanical problems. Commissioner Nigro was requested to get notification of the actual schedule and location for the vehicle.
No representative present.
Esther Norville spoke briefly regarding the death of her 16 year old grandson and her request for consideration of a commemorative naming of an alley in her grandson’s memory.
The Commissioners discussed the parameters and suitable time period that needed to elapse before this could be done.
Commissioner Nigro will develop a policy to be reviewed at the November 2, 2011 Public Meeting with implementation to take place at the December 7, 2011 Public Meeting.
Commissioner Padro spoke regarding the intent to revise the ANC 2C Grants Policy and Form in order to have non-profits request funding for projects benefitting the community. He will prepare the first draft and circulate it to the other Commissioners for final consideration at the November 2, 2011 Public Meeting.
Commissioner Padro spoke regarding inviting Mayor Gray to attend a future ANC 2C Public Meeting, if his schedule would allow him to attend. The other Commissioners concurred that the invitation should be extended. Commissioner Padro stated that he would do so.
Commissioner Nigro reported that the Committee had a brief meeting three weeks ago. A contract will be signed with Poccuo not to exceed $2,000.00 to do the logo, branding, and designing of a newsletter.
Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that the Minutes of the ANC 2C Public Meeting of September 7, 2011 be approved as amended. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Commissioner Chapple reported that the ANC 2C checking account has a balance of $40,476.70.
MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as read. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that the invoice in the amount of $125.00 for the October 5, 2011 ANC 2C Public Meeting Minutes submitted by contractor Karen L. Loveridge be approved. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0.
Commissioner Nigro reported that she is offering tutoring services from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. every Wednesday during the period September 7 to December 7, 2011 as part of the Department of Parks and Recreation’s Adult Literacy Program at the Kennedy Recreation Center.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 – 0 – 0. The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
NEXT ANC 2C MEETING: Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 6:30 p.m.
Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Neighborhood Library