November 2013 Minutes

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E

Public Meeting

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E convened at the Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library, 1630 7th Street, N.W., Washington, DC, on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.   Chair Rachelle P. Nigro presided.




Rachelle P. Nigro, Chair, ANC 6E04

Alexander M. Padro, Vice Chair, ANC 6E01

Marge Maceda, Secretary, ANC 6E05

Kevin L. Chapple, Treasurer, ANC 6E02

Frank S. Wiggins, ANC 6E03

Alvin Judd, Sr., ANC 6E06 (arrived late)




Alfreda S. Judd, ANC 6E07



  1. I.              CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL

    The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.  The roll was called and the presence of a quorum was noted.

  2. II.            APPROVAL OF AGENDA

    MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the Agenda be approved as submitted.   The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, and Wiggins) – 0 – 0.


    Officer Richard Ehrlich of Police Service Area 308 (3D) reported on crime activity in the area for the period October 1, 2013 to November 1, 2013 as follows:





Sexual Abuse


Robbery excluding Gun


Robbery with Gun


Assault with a Dangerous Weapon (ADW) excluding Gun


Assault with a Dangerous Weapon (ADW) with Gun


Violent Crimes Total






Theft from Auto


Stolen Auto




Property Crimes Total


A question and answer period followed.

  1. IV.          discussion of new polling places for 6E04 and 6E06 with the board of elections

    Commissioner Nigro stated that some of her constituents don’t want to vote in a church.  She stated the following:

    6E01s would vote at Watha D. Daniel/Shaw Library;
    6E02s would stay at Kennedy Recreation Center;
    6E03s would move to the United House of Prayer from the Kennedy Recreation Center;

    Commissioner Maceda stated that at each voting precinct, they are trying to keep the numbers at 5,000, so it helps to even out the numbers.

    Commissioner Padro stated that if the objective is to get 5,000 voters at each of the precincts, it makes sense to have 6E01 and 6E02 vote at Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library and 6E03 and 6E04 at the Kennedy Recreation Center so that they are all in public buildings and have roughly the same number of voters.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC 6E recommend to the Board of Elections that SMD 6E01 and SMD 6E02 vote at Watha D. Daniel/Shaw Library and SMD 6E03 and SMD 6E04 vote at the Kennedy Recreation Center.   The Motion passed, 5 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Chapple, Judd, Sr., and Maceda) – 1 nay (Commissioner Wiggins) – 0 abstentions.   

    Ms. Renee Christian of the Board of Elections arrived late to the meeting and reported the following at the end of the meeting:

    The Board of Elections worked on a new draft proposal of voting precincts boundaries that the Board approved to place on its website and disseminate to the ANC commissioners for comment.  The comment period began October 4, 2013 and has been extended to the end of November 2013.  She noted that the audience has already heard from Commissioner Maceda and Nigro concerning the boundaries of 6E06 and 6E04.

    She presented the following synopsis:

    In summary, the objective is to take the political boundaries of the SMDs and pair them together to form new voting precinct boundaries as follows:

    1. A.           The political boundaries of 6E01 and 6E02 will vote as one precinct at the Kennedy Recreation Center;
    2. B.           The political boundaries of 6E03 and 6E04 will vote at the United House of Prayer;
    3. C.           The political boundaries of 6E05 and 6E07 will vote at Walker Jones;
    4. D.           The political boundaries of 6E06 and 6C06 will vote at J R. Wilson;

Ms. Christian advised she will take the comments of the commissioners back to the Board of Elections.

Commissioner Maceda advised that her Single Member District has grown tremendously over the past few years and more growth is anticipated in the future.

Ms. Christian stated that public hearings regarding opinions about new polling place are scheduled at the Board of Elections on November 18, 2013 and November 22, 2013.

A question and answer period followed.


    [Alex:  please tweak this section as needed].

    Commissioner Nigro introduced Evian Patterson, City-wide Support Manager at DDOT who noted that, by way of history, residents of ANC 6E (formerly ANC 2C) were provided with visitor parking passes as part of a DDOT program due to the lack of parking when there were events at Howard Theatre.  Mr. Patterson advised that DDOT is bound by emergency law passed by the DC City Council to keep the parking pass program as it was last year which is to mail out the passes to the participants in the program.  Right now, DDOT is starting with Ward 1 and Ward 3 which have already completed.  DDOT made the provision to also do this to ANC 2C.  DDOT is presently working through the other wards.  The current passes residents have now (purple) that expired on September 30, 2013 are still valid until December 31, 2013 and residents will not be ticketed.  Mr. Patterson advised that Councilmember Tommy Wells issued a letter in support of the passes being issued to those residents in that area being affected by events at Howard Theatre.

    On the subject of redistricting, Mr. Patterson noted that there has been a bit of confusion and DDOT is trying to resolve this issue.  He advised that there has been no redistricting at DDOT and that DDOT is not changing the signs right now.  There was, however, a discrepancy in DDOT’s Residential Permit Parking database and it has now been resolved.  Some people in the 500 block to the 1000 block of Rhode Island Avenue received Zone 6 RPP stickers, but DDOT is working with DMV to correct this.  Commissioner Nigro noted that 04 residents do not want Zone 6 stickers and that they were told that the parking was based on zones, not wards.

    Commissioner Chapple advised that most of his constituents would like to have Zone 2 stickers.  He asked Mr. Patterson that before any changes are made, will DDOT notify the affected parties.  Mr. Patterson responded affirmatively.    

    Commissioner Padro took issue with Mr. Patterson’s earlier statement that residents will not be ticketed and advised him that some residents have been ticketed.  He asked Mr. Patterson where ticketed residents should be referred to resolve this matter.  Mr. Patterson responded that DDOT has been asked to relax citations in this area.  He stated that ticketed residents can contact the DDOT Call Center at:  202-673-6813. 

    Commissioner Maceda advised that there will be a hearing dealing with parking on November 19, 2013. 

    A question and answer period followed.


    Commissioner Nigro introduced Lacy Brittingham, architect with SK Asset Group, LLC, to make a presentation on a new development at 445 M Street, NW.

    Ms. Brittingham stated that 445 M Street, NW is currently a vacant lot.  The developer is planning to build a three-story plus English basement condominium building/row houses.  The lot is 13’ wide and very narrow.  Each unit will be 1,700 sq. ft. each; there will be street parking only and it is thought residents will use public transportation.  She also noted that she has two letters of support from adjacent neighbors.  Commissioner Nigro advised she received no negative feedback from her constituents, however she felt parking may still be a problem.

    MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E write a letter of support to HPRB for the new development at 445 M Street, NW.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.


    Commissioner Maceda advised that the new development at 4th & K Streets, NW is quite an interesting project.  She introduced Elizabeth Everhars of Mission First Housing Development Corporation and Dan Hennsen of Hennsen Development Company.

    Ms. Everhars advised that they are requesting a Letter of Support for their application that was made to the Department of Housing and Community Development for financing for a new construction building at 4th & K Streets, NW.  She noted that the site is oddly shaped.  She stated that no zoning relief for parking was requested.   They are proposing new construction with two components:

    (1) K Street entrance will be 200 unit mixed income development, 75% ADU; 25% market rate;
    (2)  Proposing a 50-unit grand family development for grandparents raising grandchildren.  Grandparents would have to be 62 years of age or over and have legal custody of their grandchildren.  The project is slated to break ground in one (1) year.

    Commissioner Maceda advised that this project is similar to a project in the Bronx, New York.  They are asking for $11 million from the City to support it.  It is a $70 million project.  ANC 6E’s Community Development & Zoning Committee agreed that the project should be put forward.  She also advised that DC Housing will do the first screening of grandparents.

    A question was asked about parking.  Ms. Everhars responded that parking will be the minimum required by Zoning.

    MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E write a letter of support to Michael Kelly asking that $11 million in funding be considered for the new development at 4th & K Streets, NW.   The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.


    Commissioner Padro introduced Ms. Lee Granados, founder of the proposed temporary ice skating rink project.   Ms. Granados stated that they started exploring this project at the end of September and that the offices of Council members Tommy Wells and Jack Evans have been approached.  The objective of the project is to allow every public school student to learn about urban gardening, sustainability, the Winter Olympics, literacy, and to allow them an opportunity to ice skate for free.  She provided a diagram of the proposed ice rink which is scheduled to open on December 6, 2013 prior to the start of the Winter Olympics in February 2014.  At the end of the winter season, the ice rink could be turned into a street hockey area.

    Ms. Granados advised that 100% financial backing will be pursued and it is anticipated that a family of four (4) would be charged $12.00 for skate rentals.  Sponsors of the project will pay for the operations.

    Commissioner Maceda asked the following:  (1) has the project been approved by DCPS?  Ms. Granados responded affirmatively; (2) where is funding being sought?  Ms. Granados responded that $150,000 is being sought from private investors.  Commissioner Maceda advised that Ms. Granados should submit a grant application to ANC 6E for consideration; (3) asked whether the ANC 6E neighborhood would get a reduced rate.

    Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that ANC 6E send a letter of support for the Lake Shaw Temporary Ice Skating Rink at 925 Rhode Island Avenue, NW to the Director of the Department of General Services and to the Chancellor of DC Public Schools.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.


    Commissioner Padro introduced Vince Bradley, a representative of the Mandalay Restaurant.  Mr. Bradley advised that the Mandalay Restaurant is seeking support for an enclosed sidewalk café permit and outdoor seating to serve food as weather permits.  He advised that the restaurant already has ABRA approval for serving alcohol and that this is a standard Public Space Permit.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Judd, Sr. seconded that ANC 6E support the Public Space Permit application of Mandalay Restaurant at 1501 9th Street, NW for an enclosed sidewalk café permit and outdoor seating permit and that said support be communicated in writing to the Public Space Committee and the Director of DDOT. The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.


    Commissioner Padro advised that the Mural of Elizabeth Taylor overlooks the Dacha Beer Garden.  He introduced Mr. Ilya Alter and David Bloom, architect, with Tom Kamm Architects.  They stated that the Dacha Beer Garden will close on November 17, 2013 in order to give them time to build a permanent structure to allow them to have normal bathrooms, a kitchen, and an enclosed bar area for a coffee shop in the morning and a beer garden in the evening.  They have started their design and permitting process to HPRB and they are seeking ANC support for their application.  They plan to serve German style food in the new kitchen.

    An audience member stated there was alleged under-age drinking in the establishment.  This allegation was denied by Mr. Alter and it was noted that ABRA has a very strict enforcement program of under age drinking.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC 6E support the proposed plans for building at 1600 7th Street, NW submitted by the applicant and that said support be communicated in writing to HPRB.    The Motion passed, 4 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Chapple, Nigro, Judd, Sr.) – 2 nays (Commissioners Wiggins and Maceda) – 0 abstentions.


    Ms. Yvonne Williams spoke regarding the request by Bibleway Church for a Letter of Support for an ADA curb ramp at 1100 New Jersey Avenue, NW.  Ms. Williams stated that the width of the ramp is insufficient now and they want to provide more ramp space next to the existing ramp (expansion of ramp space located at 1100 New Jersey Avenue closest to the corner of New York and New Jersey Avenues).

    MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the request of Bibleway Church for a Letter of Support for an ADA curb ramp at 1100 New Jersey Avenue, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to DDOT.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.


    Commissioner Padro stated that every liquor license in the city is undergoing renewal this year.  He presented the following requests for support for liquor license renewals of numerous ANC 6E bars/restaurants:

    1. A.           Bar 7, 1015-l/2 7th Street, NW:  Commissioner Padro noted that there have been no violations or complaints, however, at times there can be lines to enter the establishment.  The applicant will be encouraged to make modifications to their operations.

      MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the application for liquor license renewal of Bar 7, 1015=1/2 7th Street, NW, and that said support be communicated in writing to ABRA.  The Motion passed, 5 yeas (Commissioner Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Judd, Sr., Chapple) – 0 nays – 1 abstention (Commissioner Wiggins).

    2. B.           Cloak Room (formerly Louie’s Lounge), 476 K Street, NW:  Commissioner Padro noted that there has been a change in ownership, business model, and operations of this establishment.  Commissioner Maceda negotiated a Voluntary Settlement Agreement with the establishment and ANC 6E’s ABC Licensing Committee made a recommendation of support.

      MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the change in ownership and application for liquor license renewal of Cloak Room, 476 K Street, NW, and that said support be communicated in writing to ABRA.  The Motion passed, 5 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Judd, Sr., Chapple) – 1 nay (Commissioner Wiggins) – 0 abstentions.

    3. C.           DC Eagle, 639 New York Avenue, NW:  Commissioner Padro noted that there have been no enforcement actions or complaints about this establishment.  Buildings on that block of New York Avenue will eventually be demolished.  Douglas Development gave them notice to be out by January 1, 2014.

      MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the application for liquor license renewal of DC Eagle, 639 New York Avenue, NW, and that said support be communicated in writing to ABRA.  The Motion passed, 5 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Judd, Sr., Chapple) – 1 nay (Commissioner Wiggins) – 0 abstentions.

    4. D.           Lux Lounge, 649 New York Avenue, NW:  Commissioner Padro noted that there are issues relating to trash on the sidewalk and lines to get into this establishment.  ANC 6E’s ABC Licensing Committee recommended that ANC 6E protest the license renewal so that a Voluntary Settlement Agreement can be negotiated with the operators of Lux Lounge.  Commissioner Nigro was asked to reach out to the owners for their willingness to enter into such an agreement.  Paul Millstein of Douglas Development will give them a notice to leave if needed.

      MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC 6E protest the application for liquor license renewal of Lux Lounge, 649 New York Avenue, NW, and that said protest be communicated in writing to ABRA with the provision that a Voluntary Settlement Agreement be negotiated with Lux Lounge.  The Motion passed unanimously 6 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

    5. E.           Hampton Inn, 901 6th Street, NW:  Commissioner Padro noted that a hearing was not scheduled by the ANC 6E’s ABC Licensing Committee for this establishment.  The Hampton Inn has an ABC on-premise license that expires November 25, 2013.

      ANC 6E took no action on this application.

    6. F.            Shaw’s Tavern, 520 Florida Avenue, NW:  Commissioner Padro reported that the initial application for liquor license renewal for Shaw’s Tavern was denied on the grounds that the establishment served alcohol prior to having their liquor license in place.

      MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the application for liquor license renewal of Shaw’s Tavern, 520 Florida Avenue, NW, and that said support be communicated in writing to ABRA.  The Motion passed, 4 yeas (Commissioners Chapple, Padro, Nigro, Judd, Sr.) – 2 nays (Commissioners Maceda and Wiggins) – 0 abstentions.

    7. G.           Tel’Veh Café & Wine Bar, 401 Massachusetts Avenue, NW:  Commissioner Padro noted that the establishment does not have any negative actions from ABRA and that their liquor license expires December 2, 2013.

      MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 6E support the application for liquor license renewal of Tel’Veh Café & Wine Bar, 401 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, contingent upon the signing of a Voluntary Settlement Agreement to be negotiated by Commissioner Maceda, and that said support be communicated in writing to ABRA.  The Motion passed, 5 yeas (Commissioners Chapple, Padro, Maceda, Nigro, Judd, Sr.) – 1 nay (Commissioner Wiggins) – 0 abstentions.


    Commissioner Maceda reported that Gottlieb Simon has represented the Southwest community for over 20 years and has been a staunch supporter of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions.  She expressed her support for his nomination for the Cafritz Award.

    MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E join the other commissioners in Ward 6 and write a Letter of Support for Gottlieb Simon for his nomination for the Cafritz Award.  The Motion passed unanimously 6 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.


    Commissioner Padro advised that Shiloh Baptist Church’s Gala is coming up on November 15, 2013.  He noted that Shiloh Baptist Church has been in the neighborhood since 1920 or 1921 and was previously located in Fredericksburg, Virginia.    He offered his congratulations to Shiloh Baptist Church and looks forward to years of continued mutual service.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that ANC 6E write a Letter of Congratulations for Shiloh Baptist Church on the occasion of their 150th anniversary.  The Motion passed unanimously 6 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  11. XV.        NEW BUSINESS

    1. A.           Commissioner Wiggins stated that the Marriott is having a job training program on November 12, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at the United House of Prayer, 601 M Street, NW.  They are looking to hire 800 people.

    2. B.           Commissioner Wiggins stated that Walmart is also offering employment opportunities at their 99 H Street, NW location.  Interested applicants should go to:\apply.

  12. XVI.      OLD BUSINESS

    Discussion of Moving the Monthly ANC 6E Meeting to the Golden Rule Plaza (1050 New Jersey Avenue, NW) Community Room

    Commissioner Nigro led a discussion regarding the possibility of moving the monthly ANC 6E meeting to the Golden Rule Plaza (1050 New Jersey Avenue, NW) Community Room in order to engage more residents and participation.  Commissioner Padro expressed his opposition to moving it to a private location.  Commissioner Maceda felt that the RH Terrell Recreation Center and the NW One Library in that area should be utilized.  Commissioner Judd, Sr. was of the opinion that ANC 6E should give Golden Rule Plaza a chance on a trial basis.

    The commissioners took no action on this matter.

  13. XVII.     approval of quarterly report

    MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the fourth quarter FY 2013 quarterly report for ANC 6E be approved by the Commission as presented.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  14. XVIII.    approval of expenses

    1. A.     MOTION:  Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that Commissioner Nigro be reimbursed for the printing costs of the November 2013 Newsletter in the amount of $348.98.   The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.

    2. B.     MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that Commissioner Nigro be reimbursed for printing costs for additional copies of the Agenda in the amount of $7.11.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.

    3. C.     MOTION:  Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the invoice submitted by Karen Loveridge in the amount of $125.00 for recording services for the ANC 6E November 6, 2013 Public Meeting be approved.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.

    4. D.     Table Coverings and Giveaways:    Commissioner Maceda requested that consideration be given to purchasing table coverings and giveaways (mugs, bags, magnets, etc.) at a price not to exceed $1,000.00.

      The Commissioners requested that Commissioner Maceda bring price quotes to the December 4, 2013 Public Meeting.


  1. XIX.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES – october 2, 2013

    MOTION:  Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the Minutes of the ANC 6E Public Meeting of October 2, 2013 be approved as submitted.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.

  2. XX.        announcements

    1. A.       Commissioner Chapple announced that a Public Safety and Preparedness Forum will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at the Springfield Baptist Church, 508 P Street, NW.
    2. B.       Commissioner Nigro announced the following:  (1) she will host a Single Member District Meeting on November 25, 2013 at Yale West on the subject of a new hotel being constructed next door to Yale West; (2) the third annual “Caroling with the Commissioner” will be held on Sunday, December 8, 2013.
    3. C.       Commissioner Padro announced the following:  (1) a 70th Birthday Celebration for Priscilla Francis, long-time Director of UPO Neighborhood Development Center No. 1 will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.; (2) the “New Endeavors by Women” Annual Gala will be held at the Westin Georgetown, 2359 M Street, NW, on Thursday, November 14, 2013 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
    4. D.       Commissioner Chapple announced that the new Giant at City Market at O will be opening on Friday, November 22, 2013.
    5. E.       Commissioner Maceda provided the following update on the project at 5th & Eye Streets, NW, in her Single Member District:  Ten (10) developers submitted proposals, but DMPED was unable to come up with a short list because all the submittals met and exceeded the requirements for the RFP,.  They have set up a committee to eliminate some of the ten, but it has been

      very difficult to eliminate some of the ten.  She believes there will be community presentations by nine of the ten developers at the end of November or early December 2013.  The award of the contract is to be given by December 31, 2013 or the first week in January 2014.

    6. F.        Commissioner Wiggins announced that the Public Safety Committee Meeting has been moved up to November 19, 2013 because of the Thanksgiving holiday.
    7. G.   Naomi Mitchell of Councilmember Tommy Wells’ office stated the following:
      1. 1.    A memorial service for Ron McBee will be held on Monday, November 11, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon at Westminster Church, 400 I Street, NW.
      2. 2.    There will be a job fair at Arena Stage tomorrow, Thursday, November 7, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  3. XVIII.    next meeting

    Wednesday, December 4, 2013, Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library, 6:30 p.m.


    MOTION:    There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 – 0 – 0.   The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.