May 2014 Minutes

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E APPROVED 6/3/14

Minutes of the May 6, 2014 Public Meeting

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Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E
Public Meeting
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E convened at the Northwest One Library, 155 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Chair Alexander Padro presided.
Alexander M. Padro, Chair, ANC 6E01
Rachelle P. Nigro, Vice Chair, ANC 6E04
Marge Maceda, Secretary, ANC 6E05
Kevin L. Chapple, Treasurer, ANC 6E02
Frank S. Wiggins, ANC 6E03
Alfreda S. Judd, ANC 6E07
Alvin Judd, Sr., ANC 6E06
I. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Alexander Padro called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. The roll was called and the presence of a quorum was noted.
II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that the Agenda be approved as submitted. The Motion passed unanimously 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
III. PSA REPORTS: METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT 1D AND 3D No representative was present from 1D. Marco Santiago, PSA 3D Community Outreach Coordinator, stated that the United House of Prayer Memorial Day Parade will be held on Saturday, May 24, 2014 from Noon to 3:30 p.m. Officer Richard Ehrlich from Police Service Area 308 (3D) stated that the recent stabbing at 6th and O Streets, NW on April 27, 2014 is being investigated. He also stated that with the warmer weather, thefts from autos are on the increase. Commissioner Padro stated that notices discouraging residents and visitors from leaving valuables in their vehicles had been included in recent ANC 6E newsletters.
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Minutes of the May 6, 2014 Public Meeting
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Crime statistics for the indicated periods are as follows:
3/31/2013 to 4/30/2013
3/31/2014 to 4/30/2014
3/31//2013 to 4/30/2013
3/31/2014 to 4/30/2014
Sexual Abuse
Robbery Excluding Gun
Robbery with Gun
Assault Dangerous Weapon Excluding Gun
Assault Dangerous Weapon With Gun
Violent Crimes Total
Theft from Auto
Stolen Auto
Property Crimes Total
IV. SPECIAL GUEST: COUNCILMEMBER MURIEL BOWSER Special Guest, Muriel Bowser, winner of DC’s Democratic mayoral primary on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, defeating incumbent Vincent Gray and other opponents, thanked voters for coming out to cast their votes. She introduced herself and stated she has represented Ward 4 for seven years. She further stated that her primary focus has been on improving neighborhoods, fostering neighborhood schools, affordable housing, revitalizing corridors, and ethics reform. Commissioner Maceda stated the following: (1) The project to build at 5th & I Streets, NW has been reduced from ten (10) to four (4) bids. The Best and Final Offers (BAFOs) were in on February 14, 2014. She asked why the city has taken so long to award the contract; (2) The old contact at Office of Planning regarding Accessory Dwelling Units took a new job and she does not know who the new contact is. Commissioner Padro stated: (1) DMPED will be making an announcement in the next two weeks in regard to the 5th & I Streets, NW project; (2) He is very grateful for Councilmember Bowser’s support for DC’s middle schools, but wants to make sure Shaw Middle School is built as planned.
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Minutes of the May 6, 2014 Public Meeting
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V. 1547 7TH STREET, NW: REQUEST FOR ZONING RELIEF TO ALLOW RENOVATION OF AND ADDITION TO EXISTING BUILDING FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL USE (WILLIAMS SEVEN STREET, LLC) Kyrus Freeman (Holland and Knight) spoke regarding Williams Seven Street, LLC’s request for zoning relief to allow renovation of and addition to an existing building for commercial and residential use at 1547 7th Street, NW. The applicant is seeking variances from lot occupancy, rear yard, court area, nonconforming structure requirements, and for a special exception from the roof structure requirements. A public space permit for construction fencing is also needed. The building permit is expected by June 3, 2014 and a September 2014 groundbreaking is anticipated, with six to eight months to complete construction. The renovated and expanded building would include both commercial and residential uses. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the application of Williams Seven Street, LLC for four (4) variances and for a special exception to allow the renovation of and addition to 1547 7th Street, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) and the Public Space Committee of DDOT. The Motion passed unanimously 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
VI. CARTER G. WOODSON PARK, RHODE ISLAND AVENUE AND 9TH AND Q STREETS, NW: REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON PLANS FOR COMMEMORATIVE WORK HONORING CARTER G. WOODSON (OFFICE OF PLANNING/DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES) Shahrokh Ghahramani, Project Manager, Department of General Services, provided a slide show regarding the Carter G Woodson Park. There will be a bronze statue of Carter G. Woodson on the Rhode Island Avenue side of the park. There will also be a rain garden. There will be LED lighting on the statue itself, but standard lights elsewhere. Commissioner Maceda urged that reflectors be placed on the other lights to prevent the lights from shining into residents’ homes. She also stated that sidewalks paved with bricks and pavers are usually not well maintained after they are installed by DDOT contractors. Commissioner Padro asked about a water source in the park. MOTION: Commissioner P adro moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that ANC 6E support the plans proposed for the Carter G. Woodson Park, provided that a water source be provided in the park to maintain the greenscape and that another type of paving be used other than brick. The Motion passed unanimously 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
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VII. 1300-1700 BLOCKS OF 7TH STREET, NW: PRESENTATION ON HOWARD THEATRE STREETSCAPE PROJECT (DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION) Richard Kenney, P.E. and M. Adil Rizvi, P.E. of Infrastructure Project Management Administration of DDOT, spoke regarding the Howard Theatre Streetscape Project and provided a PowerPoint presentation. The Scope of Work is as follows: ■ Resurfacing of 7th Street; ■ Streetlight and Traffic Signal upgrades; ■ Sidewalk replacement; ■ Low Impact Development (LID) and Tree Space upgrades; ■ ADA Compliance; ■ Curb and Gutter upgrades; ■ Signing and Pavement Marking upgrades; ■ Drainage improvements; The existing conditions are: ■ Inconsistent sidewalk distribution and materials; ■ Substandard and unsafe sidewalks; ■ Noncompliant ADA Ramps; ■ Deteriorated roadway surface and pavement markings; ■ Sub-standard lighting; Anticipated start of construction is Summer/Fall 2014 and construction duration is nine to 12 months (weather permitting). Commissioner Padro asked about the phasing of the construction. Mr. Rizvi responded that construction will be coordinated with the bus project. Commissioner Maceda stated that: (1) the ornamental fencing around the trees needs to be of a higher quality; and (2) the ADA ramp curb cuts have a bumpy surface which blind people cannot handle and which makes it difficult for wheelchairs. A question and answer period followed. A resident asked whether bike racks will be installed. MOTION: Commissioner P adro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 6E support the plans for the Howard Theatre Streetscape Project in the 1300-1700 blocks of 7th Street, NW between N and S Streets, NW with the additional recommendation that bike racks be installed on each block and that said support be communicated in writing to the Director of DDOT. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
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VIII. ALL STREETS IN 6E NORTH OF NEW YORK AVENUE, NW: PRESENTATION ON CONVERSION OF WARD 2 RESIDENTIAL PARKING TO WARD 6 (DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION) Commissioner Padro stated that previously ANC 6E pushed not to make those changes immediately. However, ANC 6E was recently advised that DDOT is planning on moving forward anyway. Commissioner Nigro stated that this issue is not dead yet. She is lobbying Councilmember Tommy Wells to introduce legislation so that the Zone 2 signage can be retained. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E inform the Ward 6 City Councilmember that ANC 6E would like its Zone and RPP to remain Zone 2 and request that the Councilmember introduce legislation to this effect. The Motion passed, 4 yeas – 1 nay (Commissioner Maceda) – 0 abstentions.
IX. 100 BLOCK OF L STREET, NW: REQUEST FOR SUPPORT FOR STREET CLOSURE FOR FOOD MARKET (CAPITAL AREA FOOD BANK) Paula Reichel of Capital Area Food Bank requested support for a Public Space Permit to put in a mobile marketplace for low income residents featuring free fresh vegetables. The mobile marketplace will be open on the first Saturday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. Ancillary services will include health screenings and mental health services. The street closures will be the 100 block between New Jersey Avenue and 1st Street, NW from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Nigro expressed her support for this market. MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 6E support the street closure application of Capital Area Food Bank for a mobile marketplace on the 100 block of L Street, NW, on the first Saturday of every month contingent upon mutually agreeable accommodations regarding parking access for Southern Baptist Church and the Northwest One Library and that said support be communicated in writing to the Department of Homeland Security, the Mayor’s Special Event Task Force and DDOT. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
X. 476 K STREET, NW: REQUEST FOR SUPPORT FOR VALET PARKING ZONE APPLICATION (CLOAKROOM) 500-600 BLOCKS OF RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, NW, SOUTH SIDE Commissioner Maceda presented the request for support for valet parking zone application of Cloakroom on the south side of the 500 blocks of Rhode Island Avenue, NW. While one of the Cloakroom buildings at 5th & K Street collapsed, the owner of the Cloakroom would like to have the valet zone in place when they reopen. At the southeast corner of 5th and K Street on the K Street side, there is one parking space next to a fire hydrant where cars would be valeted from.
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Minutes of the May 6, 2014 Public Meeting
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MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the valet parking zone application of Cloakroom at the southeast corner of 5th and K Streets, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Public Space Committee of DDOT. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
XI. BIBLE WAY CHURCH PENTECOST PARADE: REQUEST FOR SUPPORT FOR PARADE ROUTE ON JUNE 8, 2014 (BIBLE WAY CHURCH) James Jenkins, Associate Pastor of Bible Way Church, spoke regarding the parade route of the Church’s Pentecost Parade on June 8, 2014. The parade route will begin on 1st Street, NW, turning left on N Street, NW, turning left on 5th Street, NW, turning left on M Street, NW, to New Jersey Avenue, NW, to K Street, NW. They expect 500 participants. The parade will start at Noon and end at 1:30 p.m. Commissioner Nigro stated that signage should be posted 72 hours ahead of the race date. MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the parade route requested by Bible Way Church for its Pentecost Parade on June 8, 2014 from Noon to 1:30 p.m. and that said support be communicated in writing to the Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
XII. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF QUALITY NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS (DC PUBLIC SCHOOLS) Stephanie Maltz of ANC 2B spoke regarding support from ANC 6E and other ANCs for a Resolution to Ensure Quality Neighborhood Schools. She provided a handout of the proposed resolution which is generic and in its early stages of development. MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC 6E approve the Resolution to Ensure Quality Neighborhood Schools and that ANC 6E submit its resolution to the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education and the Chair of the DC Committee on Education. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
XIII. CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY IMPACT STATEMENTS FOR SENTENCING OF CRIMINALS CONVICTED OF CRIMES IN ANC 6E (MALCOLM G. SMITH, RAKEEM MCMILLAN, ROBERT MCEACHERN) Commissioner Wiggins stated that the above-noted criminals all pled guilty to drug possession and distribution. ANC 6E needs to submit its statements by June 12, 2014.
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Minutes of the May 6, 2014 Public Meeting
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MOTION: Commissioner Wiggins moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the recommendation of ANC 6E’s Public Safety Committee that Community Impact Statements be issued for Malcolm G. Smith, Rakeem McMillan, and Robert McEachern and submitted to Honorable Judge Joey-Herring in time for sentencing hearings taking place on June 12, 2014. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
XIV. 302-304 M STREET, NW: REQUEST TO REMOVE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT CASE FROM EXPEDITED REVIEW CALENDAR (FENTON 302/304 M STREET LLC) Meredith Moldenhauer, Esq. of Griffin, Murphy, Moldenhauer & Wiggins, LLP, spoke in regard to the above. Commissioner Padro stated that the Commission needs to vote to take this off the Expedited Review Calendar tonight. Commissioner Nigro asked that Ms. Moldenhauer email everything to her and she will post it for comment before the next meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 6E request that BZA Case 18782 be removed from the expedited review calendar for the BZA hearing on June 17, 2014 and that this request be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA). The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
XV. 620 T STREET, NW: SUBMISSION OF LETTER TO ABC BOARD WITH ANC 6E OPINION RE: PROPOSED OUTDOOR BEER GARDEN ON WILTBERGER STREET, NW (HOWARD THEATRE) Commissioner Chapple stated that the proprietor of the Howard Theatre is proposing to establish a beer garden on the parking lot behind the theater. Wiltberger Street residents are opposed to this, as they have already been experiencing noise problems from current theater patrons, which have been most notable when the theater hosts events on the parking lot in question. The ABC Licensing Committee for 1B has supported the beer garden in spite of complaints about noise issues from the residents across the street. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E oppose Howard Theatre’s plans for a beer garden and that said opposition be communicated in writing to ABRA. The Motion passed unanimously, 4 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions. [Commissioner Nigro had temporarily excused herself from the meeting].
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XVI. 931 R STREET, NW: PRESENTATION ON RENOVATION PLANS FOR HISTORIC FIREHOUSE (MICHAEL ABBENANTE) Michael Abbenante provided an informational presentation regarding renovation plans for the historic firehouse at 931 R Street, NW. He stated that the firehouse was previously used as an art gallery, a harpsichord maker, and Fire House No. 7. He plans to divide the firehouse into four (4) condo units and to add two parking spaces in the back. In addition to renovating the existing interior space, he is also restoring the front firehouse doors. The work has already been approved by HPRB.
XVII. 900-1700 BLOCKS OF 7TH STREET, NW: NORTH-SOUTH CORRIDOR STUDY INFORMATION PRESENTATION/MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT (DDOT) Jamie Henson provided a brief summary of DDOT’s Meeting Schedule regarding the North-South Corridor Planning Study, as follows: CENTRAL Monday, June 9, 2014, 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Presentations at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm) Banneker Recreation Center 2500 Georgia Avenue, NW SOUTH Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Presentations at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm) DCRA-2nd Floor Community Room 1100 4th Street, NW NORTH Thursday, June 12, 2014, 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Presentations at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm) Emery Recreation Center 5701 Georgia Avenue, NW
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Minutes of the May 6, 2014 Public Meeting
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XX. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – APRIL 1, 2014 MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the Minutes of the ANC 6E Public Meeting of April 1, 2014 be approved with corrections submitted. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
XXI. APPROVAL OF TREASURER’S REPORT Commissioner Chapple reported that as of April 30, 2014, the balance in the Commission’s checking account is $50,199.71 and all outstanding checks have been distributed to vendors. MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as submitted. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
XXII. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the 2nd Quarterly Report for FY 2014 be approved. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
XXIII. EXPENSES A. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the invoice submitted by Karen Loveridge in the amount of $125.00 for recording services for the ANC 6E May 6, 2014 Public Meeting be approved. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions. B. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the invoice submitted by Miller Copying in the amount of $400.00 for the printing of the May 2014 newsletter be approved. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.
A. Commissioner Nigro stated that she will hold a community walk-through at the end of the month, but no date has been scheduled yet.
B. Commissioner Maceda suggested that items be included in the next newsletter dealing with litter and picking up after dogs.
XVII. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, June 3, 2014, Northwest One Library, 155 L Street, NW, 6:30 p.m.
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Minutes of the May 6, 2014 Public Meeting
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XVIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions. The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.