Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C
Public Meeting
May 2, 2012
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C convened at the Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Neighborhood Library, 1630 7th N.W., Washington, DC, on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Chair Alexander M. Padro presided.
Alexander M. Padro, Chair, ANC 2C01
Kevin L. Chapple, Vice Chair & Treasurer, ANC 2C02
Doris L. Brooks, ANC 2C03
Rachelle P. Nigro, Secretary, ANC 2C04
Commissioner Padro called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Commissioner Nigro called the roll and the presence of a quorum was noted.
Motion: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that the Agenda be approved as submitted. The Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0.
Eric Reilly, head librarian of the Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library gave highlights of the library programs, including a resume help clinic on Friday mornings and ESL conversation groups.
Sgt. Linda Wingate (soon to be Lieutenant Wingate) gave the crime activity report for PSA 308 for April 1, 2012 to May 1, 2012.
Robberies |
5 |
Burglaries |
2 |
Thefts from Vehicles |
3 |
Stolen Autos |
3 |
Thefts |
11 |
Assaults with Dangerous Weapons |
2 |
Homicides |
0 |
Sexual Assaults |
0 |
Disorderly Conduct |
0 |
` In addition, there were 22 drug arrests, 3 simple assault arrests, and 22 disorderly conduct arrests.
The 2012 Summer Crime initiative is in place. The initiative will put additional resources in PSA 308 and allow for more police presence. Mounted police and mountain bike officers are also in place. Community members would like more interaction and not having officers sit in their cars.
Claude Bailey, from Venable LLP, representing Monumental Sports and Entertainment, spoke of the revisions to the initial plans. Changes include forming an advisory committee with ANC 2C members and with one member from Monumental Sports, two digital signs on 7th St. signs that would measure 24 feetby 54 feet; mesh signs; drop down digital display by the Metro entrance. No signs would have sound.
Nannette Paris, President of the Downtown Neighborhood Association, had concerns about the legislation and that Monumental Sports and Entertainment should wait for the Mayor’s Sign Task Force to be in place and make the decision. Commissioner Padro commented that the signs are not nearly as overwhelming as originally proposed, but asked Monumental Sports to continue to meet with the Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association and Downtown Neighborhood Association until a compromise is found.
ANC 2C took no action.
Resident Omar Haque requested support to add a 3 story rear addition extending 10 feet to the rear of his home. Zoning relief is needed.
Motion: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 2C support the zoning relief for 1537 5th St., NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0.
Chip Glasgow, representing the owners, presented a request for a variance for continued occupancy of the residence in question.
Motion: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 2C support the zoning relief for 1131 5th Street and that said support be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0.
John Hines is requesting zoning relief for a second floor extension and replacement of porch and to establish a dwelling in the carriage house on the property.
Motion: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that when the application is filed, that ANC 2C support the extension of length of house by 18 inches and officially designate the carriage house as a dwelling. Commissioner Padro offered a friendly amendment that ANC 2C site the four areas of relief that were in the initial letter from February 2012, which was accepted. Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0
Susan Linsky from Roadside Development stated they will be partnering with Dantes Partners on the Senior Housing component of the project. Roadside Development is applying for Housing Production Trust Funds dollars to complete the senior housing. Excavation of the site is almost done and the Giant is expected to be open by the year-end holidays in 2013.
Motion: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC 2C support the application for Housing Production Trust Fund financing for the Senior Housing at CityMarket at O and communicate said support to the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development.
Motion passed, 3-0-1. Commissioner Brooks abstains.
U St. Parking requested support for a valet staging zone at Central Restaurant.
Motion: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 2C support the valet staging area for Central Restaurant and that said support be communicated in writing to the Department of Transportation and the Public Space Committee. Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0
U St. Parking requested support for a valet staging zone at Elisir Restaurant.
Motion: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Brooks seconded that ANC 2C support establishment of valet staging area for Elisir Restaurant and communicate that said support in writing t the Director of the Department of Transportation and to the Public Space Committee. Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0.
Due to activity on Sunday at the Howard Theater, local churches and U St Parking will come up with a proposal to use the parking garage at Shaw Junior High. The parties would then enter into an agreement with the Department of General Services. The churches would be responsible for the cost of the arrangement.
Motion: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC 2C support the use of the garage at Shaw Junior High School and that said support be communicated to the Director of the Department of General Services. Motion passes, 3-1-0. Commissioner Brooks voted nay.
Commissioner Chapple suggested that individual ANC Commissioners need to hear from victims from their SMD area in order to write community impact statements.
The paperwork from the Public Space Committee regarding two public space applications was received on the afternoon of the Commission’s meeting. The Commission preferred not to act without providing notice to constituents of the application.
Motion: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Brooks seconded to ask the DC Department of Transportation to postpone hearing these cases until a later date because the applications were received the day of the ANC 2C meeting. Motion passes unanimously, 4-0-0.
Motion: Commissioner Padro and Commissioner Brooks seconded that ANC 2C support the road closures for the Susan B. Komen Global Race for the Cure and communicate that said support to the Office of Emergency Management and the Mayor’s Office of Special Events. Motion passed unanimously 4-0-0.
Provided information on attracting local businesses interested in a discounted lease rate for space at this new develiopment.
Both applicants who applied for dispensaries on the 1500 block of 7th St. , NW, is appealing the decision by the DC Department of Health to deny their applications. Johnnie Scott Rice, of Green House LLC, stated that they were denied due to having provided too general a security plan and business plan.
Shaw Community Ministry requested support for Summer Camp healthy living activities.
Motion: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded support for a grant for $2,500.00 for Shaw Community Ministry. Motion passed, 4-0-0
Judah Project requested stipends for instructors and learning materials such as books.
Motion: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded $1000.00 for learning materials and $900 for stipend for a total of $1,900.00. Motion passed, 4-0-0.
City Blossoms requested support for Marion Street Garden for materials for educational purposes and community events.
Motion: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded a grant of $3,340.00 to City Blossoms. Motion unanimously passed, 4-0-0.
Commissioner Chapple noted that there is $46,092.33 in the ANC 2C account.
Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded approval of the Treasurer’s report. Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0.
Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded approval of the second quarterly report. Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0.
Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded approval of the invoice in the amount of $560.00 from Miller Copying Servicefor the printing of the April/May ANC 2C newsletter. Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0.
MOTION: There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The Motion passed unanimously, 4-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.
Next meeting: June 6, 2012