Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C
Public Meeting
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2C convened at the Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Neighborhood Library, 1630 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC, on May 4, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. Chair Alexander M. Padro presided.
Alexander M. Padro, Chair, ANC 2C01
Rachelle P. Nigro, Vice Chair & Secretary, ANC 2C04
Kevin L. Chapple, Treasurer, ANC 2C02
Doris L. Brooks, ANC 2C03
Commissioner Padro called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. Commissioner Nigro called the roll and the presence of a quorum was noted.
Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that the Agenda be approved as submitted. The Motion passed, 3 – 0 – 0.
Lt. Jeffery Carroll of Police Service Area 308 reported on crime activity in the area for the past 30 days, as follows:
There has been an overall decrease in crime:
4 robberies
2 assaults with a deadly weapon
1 burglary
8 thefts
10 thefts from automobiles
2 stolen automobiles
The summer crime initiative started on May 1st. Mountain Bike Tactical Team made up of four officers will focus on hot spots in PSA308.
A suggestion was made by Jo-Ann Neuhaus that a report from 1D be added to the meeting in future.
Lt. Carroll provided the following contact information to residents: telephone: 202-437-8198, email:
Allison C. Prince of the law firm Goulston & Storrs, representing MRP Realty, owners of the YWCA, stated the building is being repositioned in the marketplace and requires some variances in order to allow these changes. To make it useable as an office building, parking and loading variances, roof structure relief, and relief for non- compliant court layout were being requested.
Some of the challenges faced by the developer are that the core needs to be relocated due to the location of current pool, and new mechanical systems and elevators are needed. Forty-three new parking spaces are proposed in an enclosed garage with stacked mechanical parking.
Members of the Mather condo board Greg Davis and Mary Taver stated the Board supported MRP’s applications following concessions made by the developer, including changing the new party wall to allow space between the buildings’ adjacent walls.
Jo-Ann Neuhaus of Penn Quarter Association had concerns about where the dumpsters would be located. MPR stated a dumpster room will be created.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro motioned to support the request for zoning relief and that ANC 2C communicate that support in writing to the Board of Zoning and Adjustment. Commissioner Chapple seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-1, with Commissioner Brooks abstaining.
Architect Tommie N. Thomas on behalf of Arnold Young and Sheryl Strong, the owner of the property, appeared requesting the Commission’s support for the construction of a two story and basement rear addition with an open court, and for the case to receiver expedited review. The addition has been approved by the Historic Preservation Office.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro motioned to support the zoning relief requested as well as the request for expedited review, and that ANC 2C communicate this in writing to the Board of Zoning and Adjustment. Commissioner Chapple seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0-0.
Norma Broadwater of Goethe Institute presented the concept for renovation of the façade of their space at the southwest corner of 7th and I Streets, NW. They requested input from ANC 2C on the plans, which were the result of a design competition. They had already received input form the Historic Preservation Office.
Architect Derrick Steltzer spoke about the design, which includes panels that represent a year in German/American History, and the overall appearance of book shelves.
Commissioner Nigro had concern with the panels protruding into sidewalk. A public space permit would be required. Commissioner Padro asked about the timeline for the project. The Goethe-Institut will be consulting with the building owner and will have a decision on how they will proceed by fall 2011.
Proposed new locations in ANC 2C are, based on a map provided by DDOT:
7th and P Streets, NW
7th and R Streets, NW
9th and G Streets, NW
7th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
10 and H Streets, NW
4th Street and Independence Avenue, NW
MOTION: Commissioner Padro motioned to support expansion of Capital Bike Share at the locations in the Commission’s jurisdiction, and that said support be communicated in writing to DDOT. Commissioner Nigro seconded the motion. The motion passed, 3-1-0.
Commissioner Padro expressed concerns that with the changes in service proposed by WMATA, which would terminate both of these very popular bus lines at Pennsylvania Avenue, there would no longer be contiguous between Southwest and Silver Spring, MD, as is currently the case. These lines are among the most heavily used in the city. WMATA’s stated purpose in proposing the changes was to attempt to relieve bunching. Commissioner Nigro stated her belief that the Commission did not have enough information to oppose it.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro motioned that ANC 2C oppose changes to the 70 and 71 lines and communicate this opposition to WMATA and the Office of the Mayor. Commissioner Chapple seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-1-0.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro motioned to support the street closures required to conduct the event and communicate this support to the Mayor’s Special Event Task Force. Commissioner Brooks seconded the motion. The motion passed, 4-0-0.
The voluntary agreement signed by the owner of the establishment would allow the store to sell selected types of specialty beers and ales that are only available in single bottles, not in multi-bottle packaging, including microbrew and imported products. This was specifically intended to prevent the sale of single bottles from six packs or large packages. The business owner agreed to a number of community amenities. Commissioner Padro noted that the agreement states that if the ABC Board does not approve the agreement, or if it is unenforceable by ABRA, that the Commission would not support a complete exemption from the Single Sales Ban.
MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved to approve the voluntary agreement and support the single sales exception with restrictions and communicate this to ABRA and the ABC Board. Commissioner Chapple seconded the motion. The motion passed, 3-0-0.
DC Prevention Center will be conducting a youth survey concerning alcohol and substance use in the area at the Kennedy Recreation Center. Representatives requested the community’s support in encouraging participation in the survey.
No new business.
Rickey Williams, a resident of Washington Apartments on 7th Street, expressed continued concerns about the 7th and N Street Park. He requested that the Commission assist with the situation.
MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved to approve the April 6, 2011 minutes. Commissioner Padro seconded the motion. The motion passed, 3-0-1.
MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved to approve the quarterly report for the 2nd quarter of FY 2011. Commissioner Padro seconded the motion. The motion passed, 3-0-1.
MOTION: Commissioner Nigro motions that ANC 2C pay independent contractor Karen Loveridge $60.00 for the cleanup of April 2011 minutes. Commission Chapple seconded the motion. The motions passed, 3-1-0.
The official website for ANC 2C,, is up and running.
Commissioner Nigro has been chosen to represent Ward 2 in a city-wide campaign for the Department of Health Community Coach program.
Ra Williams from the Mayor’s office announced the Mayor’s Ward 2 Budget meeting will be on May 9, 2011 at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church.
Sarah Livingston wanted to know how to items are added to the ANC 2C Meeting agenda. Commissioner Padro responded that items should be submitted to the affected Commissioners or the Chair.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
NEXT ANC 2C MEETING: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 6:30 p.m.,
Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Neighborhood Library