June 2013 Minutes

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E

Public Meeting

Wednesday, June 5, 2013



Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E convened at the Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library, 1630 7th Street, N.W., Washington, DC, on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.   Chair Rachelle P. Nigro presided.




Rachelle P. Nigro, Chair, ANC 6E04

Alexander M. Padro, Vice Chair, ANC 6E01

Marge Maceda, Secretary, ANC 6E05

Kevin L. Chapple, Treasurer, ANC 6E02

Frank S. Wiggins, ANC 6E03

Alfreda S. Judd, ANC 6E07

Alvin Judd, Sr., ANC 6E06



  1. I.              CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL

    The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m.  The roll was called and the presence of a quorum was noted.

  2. II.            APPROVAL OF AGENDA

    MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that the Agenda be approved.   The Motion passed unanimously,  7 – 0 – 0.


    Officer J. D. Strassman (email:  joshua.strassman@dc.gov) of Police Service Area 103 (1D) reported on crime activity in the area for the period May 1-31, 2013 as follows:  five (5) robberies (pickpockets), one (1) assault with a deadly weapon, four (4) assaults with non-gun related weapons; and an increase in thefts from autos.

    Lt. Derek Gray (email:  derek.gray@dc.gov) of Police Service Area 308 (3D) reported the following:   two (2) robberies, two (2) assaults with deadly weapons (down 36%). He stated that overall crime was down 50%, burglaries were down 50%, robberies (excluding guns) are down 33%, robberies (with guns) up 50%, stolen autos up 9%, and thefts from autos are up.  Total violent crimes are down 36% from the previous year.

    A question and answer period followed.


    Mr. Riley made the following announcements:

    1.  The Summer Reading Program has begun for children and adults.  Sign-up is at the information desk.

    2.  The library system has a large number of employment opportunities.  Go to: dclibrary.org/careers; Library hours are being extended.

    3.  He encouraged residents to go to “Grade D.C.” and score the DC library system.


    Commissioner Nigro stated that this zoning relief request is for an addition that will be added to a row house on the 400 block of M Street, NW.  She expressed concerns by residents who want the addition to be brick as well as the fear that there will be more people and more cars.

    Owners John and Julie Lippman, and their architect, Michael Hall, spoke in support of the zoning request in which they want to add a second bedroom to the unit which they occupy.  Mr. Hall stated that the relief sought is for an addition to a building that is non-conforming as to lot occupancy.  He also noted that the addition will not increase the footprint.

    Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC6E support the request for zoning relief of 471 M Street, NW from Section 2001.3, which is a prohibition against additions to a building that is non-conforming as to lot occupancy, and that said support be communicated in writing to the BZA.   The Motion passed unanimously, 7 – 0 – 0.

  6. VI.          request for support for class d (beer & wine) abra license for outdoor beer garden (dacha), 1600 7th street, nw

    Commissioner Padro provided an introduction and history and stated that this vacant lot was used as a used car lot where illegal car repairs were being made.  There is now a potential tenant for this Shaw Historic District property.

    The representatives thanked the Commission for the opportunity to speak about the project.  It is their goal to create a pleasant, peaceful, beautiful community space in this vacant lot.  Draught beer (German and Belgian brews) will be served, along with organic German food.  They are addressing noise issues with neighbors and there will be no beer bottle trash.  The food will be cooked off site and heated on-site.  They will try to be an exemplary small business and good neighbor.

    Their architect advised that planters will be placed around the space along with landscaping (lilac bushes) to absorb sound; a large mural will be placed on the building; all storage and service will be contained within a trailer; there will be a limited number of tables; a rear wall will be added for sound absorption and the noise will be quite minimal; the trailers will be custom painted and be of modular construction and connected to water and sewer services.

    Commissioner Padro stated that much more outreach was done than normally would have been done for a liquor license.

    The following questions were raised:

    1.  Is a patio license being applied for?  Response:  No.
    2.  When are you planning to open?  Response:  the end of summer; help is needed with WASA; there will be no live music, no disc jockeys, and no live performances; a bouncer will patrol the alley.
    3.  Will there be umbrellas?  Response:  three (3) large 20×20 umbrellas and five (5) or six (6) to cover the rest of the tables.
    4. How will cooked food be stored?  Response:  There will be pre-cooked sausage and hot pretzels.  There will be an under-counter refrigerator and one large refrigerator, one (1) ADA bathrooms, and two (2) non-ADA bathrooms.
    5.  What are the hours of operation?  Response:  Monday to Thursday:  Open at 4:00 pm, close at 10:30 pm; Friday, open at 4 pm, close at 11:59; Saturday:  open at Noon and close at 11:59 pm; Sunday: Open at Noon and close at 10:30 pm.

    Commissioner Padro stated that there are 17 provisions in the Settlement Agreement and a significant number of concessions were received.

    1.  MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC6E support the ABRA application of Dacha for a Beer Garden at 1600 7th Street, NW for stipulated and permanent Class D ABC licenses and that said support be communicated in writing to the ABC Board and ABRA.   The Motion passed, 4 yeas (Commissioner Padro, Commissioner Chapple, Commissioner Alvin Judd, Commissioner Alfreda Judd) – 3 nays (Commissioner Nigro, Commissioner Maceda, Commissioner Wiggins) – 0 abstentions.

    2.  MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC6E support the Public Space Application for Dacha at 1600 7th Street, NW and that said support be communicated to the Public Space Committee and DDOT.   The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions. 

    3.  MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that ANC6E approve the Settlement Agreement between the Commission and Dacha at 1600 7th Street, NW, subject to any technical and clarifying corrections by the Commission.  The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions. 

  7. VII.         request for support for public space plan:  gonzaga high school (bohler engineering)

    Jeff Utz (Goulston & Stoors), Kate Rice and Andrew Willingham of Bohler Engineering spoke in support for the Public Space Plan for Gonzaga High School.  The work will involve making two existing curb cuts safe and new as well as streetscape improvements.  It was noted that ANC 6C did support the Public Space Plans requested before BZA in the past, the first time being in 2009.

    MOTION: Commissioner Alfreda Judd moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that ANC6E support the Public Space Plan for Gonzaga High School for curb cuts and streetscape improvements and that said support be communicated in writing to the Public Space Committee and DDOT.  The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas – 0 nays – 0 abstentions. 


    Commissioner Nigro stated that there was concern about the basketball tournament people being able to use the playground.  She received an email from John Stokes of the Department of Parks & Recreation stating that everything has been resolved and no action is required by the Commission.

  9. IX.          presentation:  dc office of the people’s counsel

    Prior to the start of the presentation, Commissioner Nigro recused herself, as she works for PEPCO.

    The Office of the People’s Counsel is an independent agency of the District of Columbia government. By law, it is the advocate for consumers of natural gas, electric and telephone services in the District. District of Columbia law designates the Office as a party to all utility-related proceedings before the Public Service Commission.

    Cheryl Morse, Consumer Outreach Specialist, DC Office of the People’s Counsel, stated that, in addition to being a consumer advocate agency within the DC Government, they are a small law firm as well.   The Office also represents the interests of District ratepayers before federal regulatory agencies. The Office is authorized to investigate the operation and valuation of utility companies independently of any pending proceeding.

    She made reference to a “Utility Consumer Guide” which she provided as a handout.

    She noted the following:

    A.  OPC writes petitions on behalf of certain issues, one of which was opting out of the Smart Meters that PEPCO placed on all homes.  She advised that this was denied by the PSC.

    B.  Case #1093 — $29 million rate increase for Washington Gas; waiting for the outcome.

    C.  Case #1090 – Verizon Quality of Service and Reliability – submitted a petition and waiting for the outcome.

    D.  Case #1102 – Verizon Use of Copper Wire Infrastructure – under consideration.

    E.  Case #1103 – PEPCO rate increase – $52.1 million rate increase requested; given a $24 million rate increase.

    F.  Alternative Energy Purchase Providers Petition – this is where OPC has received the largest number of complaints.  She urged residents to be alert about other suppliers soliciting alternative energy purchases.

    A question and answer period followed.

    In closing, Commissioner Padro thanked the OPC for its past assistance in challenging Verizon’s pay phones in the area (used by drug dealers); Verizon fought to keep them in, but thanks to OPC, those pay phones were ultimately removed.

  10. X.           presentation:  dc prevention center program concerning UNDER AGE DRINKING

    Nabulungi Akinshegun with the DC Prevention Center stated the underage drinking program is located in Ward 5 and serves Ward 6.  It is funded by the Department of Health to educate different parts of the community, schools, etc. about community-based substance abuse prevention.  Their new campaign – “Underage Drinking” – encourages parents to talk to their children and youth about underage drinking.  The campaign provides parents with tools and forms, samples of text messages, and signs they should look for and the risks.  The program targets ages 9 to 15.  Ms. Akinshegun left handouts at the back table.


    The Perry School Community Services Center is requesting a $1,500 grant for a program to provide experiential learning and recreation for fifteen (15) youth for six (6) golf lessons and one (1) sailing lesson during a 6 week free summer camp in 2013.  The Commissioners stated that the summer camp had to be open to youth who specifically reside in the 6E area.

    Commissioner Alvin Judd recused himself, as he is on the Board of Directors of the Perry School. 

Commissioner Maceda asked whether there is money coming from anywhere else for the program.  She was advised there were no other funds for this project.  Commissioner Maceda requested that, half way through the summer camp process, ANC 6E receive a few pictures of the youth who actually participated in the summer camp along with a list of their addresses.  The Commissioners also asked for additional documentation, i.e., an invoice from the vendor, etc. to satisfy the DC Auditor.

Commissioner Padro stated that the Center is a wonderful resource in the community.

MOTION: Commissioner Alfreda Judd moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC6E support a grant request in the amount of $1,500.00 for the sailing and golf program for Perry School summer camp, provided that there will be pictures made available and that the correct documentation the DC auditor needs is provided.  The Motion passed, 5 yeas – 1 nay (Commissioner Maceda) – 1 abstention (Commissioner Alvin Judd).

  1. XII.         NEW BUSINESS

    Commissioner Chapple advised that Commissioners need to complete a reimbursement request form to accompany receipts when they use their own funds to male expenditures on the Commission’s behalf.


    A.  Commissioner Maceda advised that in regard to the bollards issue on K Street discussed at the May 1, 2013 ANC 6E Public Meeting, the Director of DDOT, Terry Bellamy, has agreed to do that with the extra money that DDOT has left over from the streetscape project.  She is meeting with him tomorrow.  She expressed her appreciation to the Commissioners for their support.

    B.  Commissioner Maceda advised those who signed up for the Community Development Committee/Zoning Committee to look for an email from her in the next week to 10 days.  She requested that any issues be provided to her by the 20th of each month.

  3. XIV.      approval of expenses

    A.  MOTION:  Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that Commissioner Nigro be reimbursed for the printing costs for the voting flyers for Alvin Judd’s slot in ANC6E-06 in the amount of $40.80, pending receipt of the completed form required by ANC6E’s Treasurer.   The Motion passed unanimously, 7 – 0 – 0.

    B.  MOTION:  Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that Commissioner Nigro be reimbursed for the printing costs of the Agenda for the June 2, 2103 meeting in the amount of $7.52, pending receipt of the completed form required by ANC6E’s Treasurer.  The Motion passed unanimously, 7 – 0 – 0. 

    C.  MOTION:  Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that Commissioner Nigro be reimbursed for the printing costs of the June 2013 Newsletter by Kinko’s in the amount of $362.52, pending receipt of the completed form required by ANC6E’s Treasurer.   The Motion passed unanimously, 7 – 0 – 0. 

  4. XV.        APPROVAL OF minutes – may 1, 2013

    Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the Minutes of the ANC 6E Public Meeting of May 1, 2013 be approved pending receipt of additional corrections.  The Motion passed unanimously, 7 – 0 – 0.

  5. XVI.      announcements

    A.  Ron Swanda, Vice Chairperson (Ward 6) of the DC Commission on Aging, reiterated his request for assistance from the commissioners in identifying constituents from their SMDs who could serve on the DC Mini-Commission on Aging.

    B.  Martin Moulton requested endorsement of a Community Impact Statement for the sentencing of Deandre Providence.  Per Commissioner Nigro, Frank Wiggins will be the liaison for the Public Safety Committee.

    MOTION:  Commissioner Wiggins moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC6E accept the Community Impact Statement written by Martin Moulton, upon receipt of corrections, and that it be submitted to the appropriate Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.   The Motion passed unanimously, 7 – 0 – 0.

    C.  Naomi Mitchell from Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy Wells’ Office advised the following:

          1.  Ward 6 Family Day – Canal Park — M Street, SE — June 22, 2013, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

          2.  Sponsorship of a Senior Day at a day-time game of the Nationals at Nationals Park on July 25, 2013.

          3.  There is legislation about leverage in negotiating with developers regarding off-street parking and enforcing residential parking restrictions before building actually starts.  This is coming up for action at a hearing in September.

    D.  Commissioner Padro announced that Shaw Main Streets’ Third Annual Bar Crawl will be held this Saturday, June 8, 2013, from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm – six destinations – tickets are $15.00 in advance or $20.00 at the event.

    E.  Martin Moulton requested that Brittney Wright’s contact information (email:  brittney.wright@dc.gov) be added to the newsletter.

  6. XVII.     next meeting

    Wednesday, July 3, 2013, Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library


    MOTION:    There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The Motion passed unanimously, 7 – 0 – 0.  The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.