January Minutes 2015

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E

Public Meeting

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E convened at the Northwest One Library, 155 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.




Alexander M. Padro, ANC 6E01

Rachelle P. Nigro, ANC 6E04

Marge Maceda, ANC 6E05

Kevin L. Chapple, ANC 6E02

Frank S. Wiggins, ANC 6E03

Antonio D. Barnes, ANC 6E06

Alfreda S. Judd, ANC 6E07





    The meeting was called to order 6:39 p.m. The roll was called and the presence of a quorum was noted.


    Lydia Goring, former ANC 2C Commissioner, was invited to conduct the Election of Officers.

Position Nominee(s) Vote via Show of Hands Result


Alexander Padro

Marge Maceda



Marge Maceda
Vice Chair Rachelle Nigro

Alexander Padro



Alexander Padro
Secretary Rachelle Nigro

Antonio Barnes



Antonio Barnes
Treasurer Kevin Chapple 7 Kevin Chapple



    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that the Agenda be approved as submitted. The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.


    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that the Minutes of the ANC 6E Public Meeting of December 1, 2015 be approved with corrections to be submitted to the Secretary. The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  2. APPROVAL of 2016 ANC 6E SECURITY FUND participation

    MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the ANC 6E Security Fund Participation fee of $25.00 for the bonding of the Commission’s officers be approved and that a check be issued to the DC Treasurer. The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Nigro, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.    


    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that the ANC 6E 2016 Meeting/Committee Meeting Schedule be approved as amended. The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Nigro, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.


Crime statistics for the indicated periods are as follows:

Offense 1D (PSA 103) 3D (PSA 308)
  12/6/2014 to 1/5/2015 12/6/2015 to 1/5/2016 12/6/2014 to 1/5/2015 12/6/2015 to 1/5/2016
Homicide   0   0   1  0
Sexual Abuse   2   2   1  2
Robbery Excluding Gun        12 33 28       32
Robbery with Gun          9 10        12       12
Assault Dangerous Weapon Excluding Gun        10        22        14       12
Assault Dangerous Weapon With Gun   5          4   2 4
Violent Crimes Total        38        71        58       62
Burglary        22        12        25       18
Theft      243      228      178     186
Theft from Auto      153      172      194     209
Stolen Auto        35        28        18       17
Arson   1   0   0 0
Property Crimes Total      454      440      415     430

1D (PSA 103) – Not present.

Sgt. D Poe of 3D (PSA 308), stated there were three (3) robberies which are still open.  He provided a new telephone contact number:  202-673-6815.

Commissioner Nigro stated there was a stabbing at the corner store on 5th and N Streets and that the store will be shut down for 18 months.

  • sentencing recommendation – antonio leroy sparks – community impact statement

    Martin Moulton spoke regarding the Community Impact Statement for the sentencing hearing of Antonio Leroy Sparks and urged ANC 6E to endorse same.

    MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that ANC 6E accept the draft of the letter prepared for the sentencing hearing of Antonio Leroy Sparks. The Motion passed 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd)   – 0 nays – 1 abstention (Commissioner Barnes).

  1. ABRA: AMBAR – 1547-1549 7th street, nw – NEW C/R LICENSE

    Andrew Kline, Veritas Law, spoke on behalf of the applicant who is seeking support for a new C/R license.  There will be no Entertainment and no Dancing.  There will be a covered café area outside with seating for 34 and there is a separate application pending for this.  Commissioner Padro stated the ABC Licensing Committee met and approved the request subject to a Settlement Agreement.

    MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the request for support of Ambar, 1547-1549 7th Street, NW for a new Retailer’s Class C/R license, subject to the signing of a Settlement Agreement with the establishment, and that said support be communicated in writing to the ABC Board and ABRA.   The Motion passed unanimously 7 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd)   – 0 nays – 0

  2. ABRA: 1618 VARIETY market, llc – CHANGE OF LICENSE

    Commissioner Padro stated that the owner of the 1618 Variety Market, LLC is seeking a Class Change from a Retailer “B” Grocery to a Retailer “A” Liquor Store; singles will not be sold.  The ABC Licensing Committee met and voted to recommend support for the change from a Retailer “B” Grocery to a Retailer “A” Liquor Store with a Settlement Agreement related to the maintenance of the area around the building.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that ANC 6E support the request for a change of license of 1618 Variety Market, LLC from a Retailer “B” Grocery to a Retailer “A” Liquor Store, subject to the signing of a Settlement Agreement, the landlord agreeing to help with the renovation, and that said support be communicated in writing to the ABC Board and ABRA.   The Motion passed 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Barnes, and Judd) – 1 nay (Commissioner Wiggins) – 0


    Meredith Moldenhauer of Griffin, Murphy, Moldenhauer & Wiggins, LLP stated that this 14 story mixed use development will house approximately 200 hotel rooms on the first 11 floors and will house approximately 30 apartments on the top three floors.  There will also be two levels of below grade parking with 48 spaces for the hotel.  The applicant is seeking a variance relief for the remaining 72 parking spaces that they are not going to be able to provide.  They have obtained letters of interest from nearby parking facilities and have secured
    more than the 72 parking spaces they will need, i.e.,140 to 150; there will also be two valet parking spaces on 4th  The applicant is seeking the following:  (1) zoning relief for the parking; (2) rear yard relief; and (3) loading relief.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that ANC 6E support the zoning relief requested for the 303-317 K Street Hotel/Condo project and that said support be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA).  The Motion passed 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 1 abstention (Commissioner Barnes).


    Chip Glasgow of Holland & Knight stated the development team is seeking relief from the BZA to permit the use of a portion of the penthouse of the building as a bar, cocktail lounge, and/or restaurant.   The applicant appeared before ANC 6E’s Zoning Committee which was opposed to having a “nightclub” in the penthouse.  The applicant agreed to this stipulation.

    MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the relief requested for the 901 5th Street Hotel project, contingent upon the applicant’s agreement to the stipulation that there be no “nightclub” in the penthouse, and that said support be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA).  The Motion passed unanimously 7 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0


    Leila Batties of Holland & Knight reviewed the PUD Project Benefits and Amenities with the Commission.

    MOTION:  Commissioner Barnes moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support Sursom Corda’s PUD process and the Project Benefits and Amenities package and that said support be communicated in writing to the Zoning Commission of the District of Columbia. The Motion passed 5 yeas – 2 nays (Commissioners Nigro and Maceda) – 0 abstentions.


    Allison Prince of Goulston & Storrs, P.C. spoke regarding the site at 901 4th Street, NW purchased by the DC Bar Association to build its 100,000 square foot headquarters.     They are requesting ANC 6E support for the large tract review.  The ANC 6E Zoning Committee met and it was determined that it would support the large tract review.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that ANC 6E support the approval of the large tract review for the DC Bar Association for 901 4th Street, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the DC Office of Planning.  The Motion passed unanimously 7 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0

  1. public space application: rpm restaurant, 601 massachusetts avenue, nw (canopy over outdoor café)

    MOTION:  Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the Public Space application of RPM Restaurant, 601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW to install a canopy over the outdoor cafe from the building to the sidewalk to cover seating for 160 patrons and that said support be communicated in writing to the Public Space Committee and the Director of DDOT.  The Motion passed unanimously 7 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Nigro, Chapple, Maceda, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • public space application: aMbar restaurant, 1547 7th street, nw (enclosed sidewalk café)

    MOTION:  Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the Public Space application of Ambar Restaurant, 1547 7th Street, NW for an enclosed sidewalk café and that said support be communicated in writing to the Public Space Committee and the Director of DDOT.  The Motion passed 6 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Nigro, Chapple, Maceda, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 1 abstention (Commissioner Barnes).

  • zoning: 441 rhode island avenue, nw

    The applicant is requesting ANC 6E support for a variance from section 2101 of the Office of Planning recommendation that would relieve the applicant of the need to provide a parking spot.

    MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the variance requested by the developer of 441 Rhode Island Avenue, NW that would relieve him of the need to provide a parking spot and that said support be communicated in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA).  The Motion passed 6 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, and Judd) – 1 nay (Commissioner Nigro) – 0

  • treasurer’s report

    Commissioner Chapple reported that the balance in the checking account is $62,789.54 and two checks have not cleared.

    MOTION:  Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.  The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, Nigro, and Judd)   – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • approval of expenses

    1. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the invoice submitted by Karen Jehle in the amount of $125.00 for recording services for the ANC 6E January 5, 2016 Public Meeting be approved.  The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, Nigro, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

    2. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that Commissioner Nigro be reimbursed in the amount of $497.00 for printing costs of the January 2016 Newsletter. The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, Nigro, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • new business

    Commissioner Wiggins stated that the Chair of the ANC 2F Public Safety Committee wants to know if the ANC 6E and ANC 2F Public Safety Committee monthly meetings can be combined. The Commission agreed that the committee meetings could be combined, but that committee expenses would have to be separated.

  • announcements

    1. Ngoc Trinh, Director of Community Engagement of the Mayor’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (OAPIA), provided a brief overview of the agency’s programs and stated that it was created to improve the quality of life for District Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders through advocacy and engagement.
    2. Naomi Mitchell stated the following: (1) At today’s legislative meeting of the DC Council, Councilmembers voted unanimously to pass Councilmember Charles Allen’s security camera legislation that would create an incentive program for residents and neighborhood establishments to purchase and install security camera systems.  Incentives offered are:  Up to $200 per camera installed and registered, with a maximum rebate of $500 per residential property and $750 per business, nonprofit, or religious institution; (2) Councilmember Charles Allen will be at Compass Coffee, 1535 7th Street, NW, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on this coming Friday, January 8, 2016; (3) a meeting will be held on Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 1:30 pm to respond to illegal drug activity in the 1700 block of 8th Street, NW and gun violence in the Sursum Corda area.
  • next meeting

    Tuesday, February 1, 2016, Northwest One Library, 155 L Street, NW, 6:00 p.m.*    *Note:  All meetings will start at 6:00 p.m. rather than 6:30 p.m.


    MOTION:   There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The Motion passed unanimously, 7 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Barnes, Nigro, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.   The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.