April Minutes

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E

Public Meeting

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E convened at the Northwest One Library, 155 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.



Marge Maceda, Chair, ANC 6E05

Alexander M. Padro, Vice Chair, ANC 6E01

Kevin L. Chapple, Treasurer, ANC 6E02

Rachelle P. Nigro, ANC 6E04

Frank S. Wiggins, ANC 6E03

Alfreda S. Judd, ANC 6E07 (arrived at 6:15 p.m.)




Antonio D. Barnes, Secretary, ANC 6E06


    The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. The roll was called and the presence of a quorum was noted.



    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that the Agenda be approved as amended. The Motion passed unanimously, 5 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.  [Commissioner Judd had not yet arrived.]


Crime statistics for the indicated periods are as follows:

Offense 1D (PSA 103) 3D (PSA 308)
  3/4/2015 to 4/4/2015 3/4/2016 to 4/4/2016 3/4/2015 to 4/4/2015 3/4/2016 to 4/4/2016
Homicide   0   0   1  0
Sexual Abuse   3   5   3  3
Robbery Excluding Gun        23 27 29       26
Robbery with Gun        11        12        11         7
Assault Dangerous Weapon Excluding Gun        16        15        17       16
Assault Dangerous Weapon With Gun          3          4          0 4
Violent Crimes Total        56        63        61       56
Burglary        13        15        19       26
Theft      174      264      154     195
Theft from Auto      118      147      174     195
Stolen Auto        30        28        17       24
Arson   0   0   0 0
Property Crimes Total      335      454      364     440

Officer from 5D – Commissioner Nigro invited an officer of 5D to the meeting and asked him to comment on the following:

Dirt Bikes:   Dirt bikes are being seen on DPR land three to four times per week.  The officer stated that dirt bikes are illegal in the city and should be reported immediately as soon as they are noticed by taking a photograph or videotaping the event and emailing it.  Commissioner Nigro asked why there wasn’t a police presence there during the week they were seen three or four times.  The officer responded that there may have been a shortage of police personnel due to emergency calls.

Defecation:  Commissioner Nigro stated that are persons defecating on homes, roofs, sidewalks, steps, and alleys at Kirby and New York Avenue and that more of a police presence is needed.

The officer responded that the above activities should be reported to Cdr. William Fitzgerald of 5D.  Commissioner Maceda added they should also be reported to Assistant Police Chief Diane Grooms.

Lt. Deborah Pearce of 3D (PSA 308) – Commissioner Nigro asked her about six shots being fired about two weeks ago.  Lt. Pearce responded that the abandoned car from which the shots came is being tested for fingerprints.  Commissioner Nigro asked what is being done to prevent this.  It was also noted that there is marijuana, alcohol and trash in the 600 blocks of N and O Streets, NW.  Lt. Pearce responded that there have been six (6) lockups for public consumption of marijuana and two (2) gambling lockups on O Street.  Martin Moulton stated that there have been three (3) murders and more shootings in the 1300 block of 5th Street, NW and that something more needs to be done about drugs and marijuana.

Security Camera Rebate Program:  Commissioner Padro reported that PSAs 307 and 308 have been added to the Security Camera Rebate Program.

  1. dmped – parcel 42 – anna shapiro

    Anna Shapiro of DMPED stated DMPED is in the middle of the solicitation process for Parcel 42 and that there will be a Public Meeting on April 13, 2016 at the Howard Theatre starting at 6:00 p.m. where developers will be providing the
    community their proposals.
  2. office of the mayor

    Edward Doxen, Ward 6 Liaison to the Mayor’s Office, reported the following: (1) the Mayor has proposed to raise the Minimum Wage in DC to $15.00 per hour by 2020; (2) residents are encouraged to join Mayor Muriel Bowser for the District’s Emancipation Day Parade on Saturday, April 16, 2016, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 441 4th Street, NW.

  3. addition of minute clinic at cvs on k street, nw

    Karen Lovitch and Laura Davis, a Nurse Practictioner, spoke. CVS is working with Minute Clinic to open a service at CVS’ location at 655 K Street, NW.  Services provided will include common illnesses and vaccinations; walk-ins are welcome.  Hours will be Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Saturday, 9:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.  Most insurance plans are accepted.  Costs range from $69.00 to $129.00.  CVS is required to obtain a Certificate of Need from the Department of Health and is seeking a letter of support from ANC 6E.

    MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that ANC 6E support the request for support of CVS in order for it to obtain a Certificate of Need for the Minute Clinic at CVS at 655 K Street, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Department of Health.   The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • dchd money for bible way for its 1035 4th street, nw project

    Commissioner Maceda stated she received a letter from the District of Columbia Housing Department (DCHD) asking ANC 6E to support a loan of $18 million to Bible Way Church for its 1035 4th Street, NW Project. She noted that the City had changed the scope to make the project 100% affordable housing and that ANC 6E opposed it at that time.

    Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that since ANC 6E did not approve the development project, that ANC 6E not support the loan for $18 million until DCHD adjusts the market rate housing, the affordable housing, and the grandparent program.  The Motion passed, 4 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, and Judd) – 2 nays (Commissioners Wiggins and Nigro) – 0 abstentions.

  • public space application – rpm, 601 massachusetts avenue, two outdoor cafes

    Andrew Kline, Veritas Law, spoke on behalf of the applicant who is seeking support for two (2) unenclosed sidewalk cafes. The café on the north side of Massachusetts Avenue is contemplated to be 36 feet x 590 sq. ft. with a clear pedestrian passageway.  The café on the south side of Massachusetts Avenue will have a 13’-7” patio and has more space between the outside of the café and the planters.  The south side café will be raised on a platform because the building exit is not to grade and the sidewalk slopes.

    Commissioner Maceda stated she was extremely disappointed that the applicant did not feel that it needed to come to the ANC to get approval and support for their liquor license and a settlement agreement and that the restaurant did not follow protocol.  She noted, however, that the restaurant is not in a residential area.

    MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the Public Space Application of RPM, 601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, for two (2) unenclosed outdoor cafes on the north and south sides of Massachusetts Avenue, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Public Space Committee of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT).   The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  1. public space application – alta strada, 465 k street, nw, outdoor café

    Andrew Kline, Veritas Law, spoke on behalf of the applicant who is seeking support for an unenclosed sidewalk café permit.  The seating is tucked around the planters and away from the building with a 14’ clearance between the building and the seating area.  There will be 28 seats and nine tables.

    Commissioner Maceda stated she is President of the K at City Vista Condominium at 475 K Street, NW and that drilling and construction noise was heard at 2:30 in the morning.  She stated further that she was disappointed that the applicant did not come before the ANC to get their liquor license and did not sign a settlement agreement in regard to the hours of operation, noise, and pest control issues.  Commissioner Nigro stated that ABRA can issue a liquor license without ANC support and that she should take the matter up with ABRA.

    MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E not support the Public Space Application of Alta Strada, 465 K Street, NW for an unenclosed sidewalk café.  However, if the applicant enters into a settlement agreement with ANC 6E related to the three issues (noise, rodents, and hours of operation) before the Public Space Committee meeting this month, that ANC 6E support the unenclosed sidewalk café permit application.  Further, if no agreement is reached, ANC 6E will not support the Public Space Application.    The Motion passed, 5 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 1 nay (Commissioner Nigro) – 0 abstentions.

  2. public space application – 1533 9th street, nw, curb cut

    Commissioner Padro spoke regarding the Public Space Application of 1533 9th Street, NW. He stated this is an existing driveway with a curb cut located between 1527 and 1533 9th Street, NW.  ANC 6E previously supported the zoning relief for the renovation of the adjacent building and use of this particular parcel as surface parking.  This particular application only relates to the curb cut in the apron that needs to be replaced in kind.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that ANC 6E support the Public Space Application for the driveway of 1533 9th Street, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Public Space Committee of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT).   The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.


  1. ZONINg: 1336 8th street – update – roadside development

    Richard Lake of Roadside Development stated they will be developing the vacant lot at 1336 8th Street, NW.  They are working with HPRB and the City.  They will be filing with HPRB within 90 days of getting Council approval which was received about 60 days ago.  Their plans have not changed from the original except for some architectural tweaks.  He reminded the ANC that they are replacing the parking for the Immaculate Conception Church at the City Market at O and they will give them a parish hall as part of the overall arrangement.  They are building 76-78 condo units with six townhouses on 8th Street.  There will be 30% affordable housing, 27 cameras will be installed, and retail activity will be promoted.  Commissioner Padro asked whether lighting will be installed on the façade of the building.  Once they get a hearing date, they will come back with a more formal presentation to the ANC.

    A question and answer period followed.

  • historic preservation: 1127 5th street, nw

    Ian Kelly stated they are proposing a rear and roof addition to their home at 1127 5th Street, NW and the roof addition will be set back from the street.  They are seeking a letter of support from ANC 6E for their project.  There is no requirement for a zoning adjustment.  They have received numerous letters of support from their neighbors.  Commissioner Padro stated that the applicant appeared before the February ANC 6E Zoning Committee and the committee recommended support.

    MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Wiggins seconded that ANC 6E support the applicant’s request for a letter of support for a rear and roof addition to their home at 1127 5th Street, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Historic Preservation Review Board.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • historic preservation: 445 ridge street, nw

    Brad Wellington spoke regarding the applicant’s Historic Preservation Application for a rear 2-story addition on a 2-story row house.  They have letters of support from neighbors.  The addition will not impact sight lines from the street.  They are proposing a lot occupancy of 59.6% which is under the 60% required. 

    MOTION: Commissioner Nigro moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the applicant’s request for a letter of support for a rear 2-story addition on a 2-story townhouse at 445 Ridge Street, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the Historic Preservation Review Board.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • ddot – georgia avenue NW bus lane

    Tina Scott Boyd of DDOT stated that on Monday, April 11, 2016, DDOT will begin operation and enforcement of the Georgia Avenue NW Dedicated Bus Lanes from Florida Avenue to Barry Place, NW.  The dedicated bus lanes will be in effect Mondays to Saturdays, between 7 am and 10 p.m. Parking on curb lanes will be permitted on Sundays.

    The following vehicles will be allowed to travel along the bus lanes: transit buses, tour buses, charter buses, school buses, active passenger service taxicabs, bicycles, and authorized emergency vehicles.

    A red, high friction surfacing will be added to the lanes in late spring 2016 to further identify them and signage consistent with the operation of these bus lanes will be posted along the corridor.

  1. abra: chaplin’s, 1501 9th street, nw

    The applicant was not present.  Commissioner Padro advised that Chaplin’s is scheduled to have their liquor license renewed and have had trash and noise issues.  The neighborhood civic association has voted to protest their liquor license renewal.  He is asking ANC 6E to protest so that the ANC will get the applicant’s attention so that they will be good neighbors.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Maceda seconded that ANC 6E protest the liquor license renewal of Chaplin’s, 1501 9th Street, NW, on the grounds of peace, order and quiet and that said protest be communicated in writing to the ABC Board and ABRA.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • abra: outpost, 440 k street (baked and wired)

    Commissioner Maceda stated that the applicant’s liquor license is up for renewal.  They are only open until 10:30 p.m. and there have been no problems to indicate that their liquor license renewal should not be supported.

    MOTION: Commissioner Maceda moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that ANC 6E support the liquor license renewal application of Outpost, 440 K Street, NW and that said support be communicated in writing to the ABC Board and ABRA.   The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • abra: uptown ethiopian fusion CUISINE, 1608 7th street, nw

    The applicant was not present.  Commissioner Padro advised that the applicant’s liquor license is up for renewal and that a number of complaints about noise have been received as well as reports of disturbances of letting out after closing hours which ANC 6E is investigating.  He recommended that ANC 6E protest their liquor license renewal.

    MOTION: Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Chapple seconded that ANC 6E protest the liquor license renewal of Fasil Ethiopian Restaurant, LLC, trading as Uptown Ethiopian Fusion Cuisine, 1608 7th Street, NW, on the grounds of peace, order and quiet and that said protest be communicated in writing to the ABC Board and ABRA.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Nigro, Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • naomi mitchell – announcements

    1. Councilmember Charles Allen will be at Compass Coffee, 1535 7th Street, NW, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on the first Friday of every month.

    2. Councilmember Charles Allen’s Security Camera Rebate Program is now accepting applications.

    3. Senior citizens are interested in helping with children at the Kennedy Recreation Center.

    4. The DC City Council will hold Committee Public Hearings on the FY 2017 Budget during the period April 6-26, 2016 and citizens are encouraged to participate and testify. More information can be found at:  us

  • treasurer’s report

    Commissioner Chapple reported the balance in the checking account is $58,347.90.

  1. quarterly reports

    MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the 4th Quarter 2015 and 1st Quarter 2016 reports be accepted.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Nigro, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions

  • approval of expenses

    1. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that the invoice submitted by Karen Jehle in the amount of $125.00 for recording services for the ANC 6E April 5, 2016 Public Meeting be approved.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Nigro, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

    2. MOTION: Commissioner Chapple moved and Commissioner Padro seconded that Commissioner Nigro be reimbursed in the amount of $497.00 for printing costs of the April 2016 Newsletter. The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Nigro, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.

  • new business


  • next meeting – Tuesday, May 3, 2016, Northwest One Library, 155 L Street, NW, 6:00 p.m. (ANC 6E Zoning and ABRA Committee Meetings will be held on Thursday, April 28, 2016).

    Commissioner Maceda stated that new regulations, not yet in effect, will require that agendas be submitted to the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions two weeks prior to the scheduled ANC Meeting.


    MOTION:   There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Padro moved and Commissioner Nigro seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  The Motion passed unanimously, 6 yeas (Commissioners Padro, Maceda, Chapple, Wiggins, Nigro, and Judd) – 0 nays – 0 abstentions.