Letter of Support for Success Restaurants (Silo)

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E

ANC 6E04: Rachelle Nigro, Chair

ANC 6E01: Alexander Padro, Vice Chair

ANC 6E05: Marge Maceda, Secretary

ANC 6E02: Kevin Chapple, Treasurer

ANC 6E06: Mark Dixon

ANC 6E07: Alfreda Judd

P.O. Box 26182

Ledroit Park Station

Washington, DC 20001


January 11, 2013

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board

District of the Colombia

1400 U Street NW

Suite 400S

Washington, D.C. 20009

Dear Members of the Board,

Please be advised that Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6E voted unanimously on January 2, 2013 to support a permanent class C liquor license for Success Restaurant, located at 917 5th St. NW.  A quorum was present and the motion passed 5-0-0. The potential permanent name for the restaurant will be Psilo.

ANC 6E also accepted the Voluntary Agreement that has been established between Commissioner Marge Maceda, (6E05) and the owner Reza Akhave. The Voluntary Agreement will be forwarded to you under a separate e-mail.

If you have any additional questions the Commission can be reached at 202-670-1732.


Rachelle P.Nigro
