POSTED DATE Jun 04 2016

Happy Summer! Come out to the June ANC Meeting on Tuesday, 6/7!


June 7, 2016 6 PM Northwest One Library, 155 L St. NW

  1. Call to Order, Attendance/Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes (5/7 minutes)
  2. Police Reports (5minutes)
  3. DPW presentation, Christopher Shorter.    (10minutes)
  4. Central Union Mission,  Mission  Muffins(10 minutes)
  5. PEPCO Substation K Street (10 minutes)
  6. Public Space            Sursum Corda Curb Cuts (5 minutes)
  7. Zoning 111 Mass Ave    (5 minutes)
  8. Zoning 810 O Street        (5minutes)
  9. ZONING                    Liberty Place (mount Carmel , 3rd and I (7 minutes)
  10. ZONING                    Catholic Charities 611-17 Rhode Island Avenue  ( 5 minutes)
  11. ZONING 1316 8th Street   (5 minutes)
  12. ABRA Le )Pain 433 Mass Ave (5 Minutes)
  13. Treasurers Report
  14. Old Business/New Business
  15. Adjournment

*Next Meeting   July 5, 2016 ***ABRA /Zoning Committee meeting June 2, 2016.