POSTED DATE Jan 01 2014

Happy New Year! Come out to the ANC 6E January Meeting!

We would love to see you at out January meeting!  It will be on January 8th at 6:30pm at the Shaw Library. The agenda is below.

Too see some past meetings check out our YouTube Channel:


Wednesday, January 8, 2013 6:30pm

Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library, 1630 7th St.  NW

Meeting Agenda


  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. ANC 6E Officer Election
  4. PSA Report: Metropolitan Police Department 3D
  5. Request for Support for a Special Exemption to be a Quick Food Service Restaurant, Rito Loco,  606 Florida Ave. NW
  6. Discussion and support for parking for the Immaculate Conception Church at the future  8th and O St. Development.
  7. Discussion about 5th and I St. Developer Presentations.
  8. Support for a Stipulated Liquor License, Le Pain Quotidien, 433 Massachusetts Ave. NW
  9. Presentation by Richard Sandoval Restaurants about the future restaurant at 7th and Q St.
  10. New Business
  11. Old Business
  12. Vote on Future Location for the Monthly ANC 6E Meetings & the Calendar for Meetings
    1. Approval for ANC 6E Participation in ANC Security Fund.
    2. Discussion of 2014 Budget
    3. Approval of Expenses
    4. Approval of Minutes-December
    5. Announcements
    6. Next Meeting
    7. Adjournment


Rachelle P. Nigro, Chair (6E04), Alexander M. Padro, Vice Chair (6E01),

Marge Maceda, Secretary (6E05), Kevin Chapple, Treasurer (6E02), Frank Wiggins (6E03),

 Alvin Judd, (6E06), Alfreda Judd (6E07)


Commissioner Contact Information

6E01 Commissioner Alexander M. Padro:, 202-518-3794

6E02 Commissioner Kevin L. Chapple:, 202-449-5072

6E03 Commissioner Frank S. Wiggins:, 202-658-1560

6E04 Commissioner Rachelle Nigro:, 202-670-1732,

Twitter: @nigroanc6e

6E05 Commissioner Marge Maceda:, 202-360-7404

6E06 Commissioner Alvin Judd: 301-440-3836

6E07 Commissioner Alfreda S. Judd: 202- 628-6717