POSTED DATE Nov 25 2015

December Meeting Agenda


Shaw Library 7th and R St NW

December 1, 2015


  1. Call to Order, Attendance/Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes
  2. PSA Reports
  3. ABRA: The Passenger 1539 7th Street
  4. ABRA: Alda Strata 465 K Street New License/ entertainment endorsement
  5. ABRA: Dolci Ice Cream Shop 1420 8th street new license
  6. ABRA: Chaplin’s  1501 9th entertainment/change of hours
  7. ABRA: 1618 Market         Change in class
  8. ABRA: Amber 1547 7th street      new license
  9. Historic Landmark      Presentation for  618  T Street Bakery
  10.  Zoning: Presentation for  317 K Street Hotel/Condo
  11. Zoning:  Capital Vista:   Vote on 3 presentations FLGA LLC  Thurgood  Marshall College Fund Campus, Dante and Argos
  12. Zoning: Sursom Corda :   PUD Presentation
  13. Zoning: 1537-1541 6th Street
  14. Treasurers Report
  15. Old Business
  16. New Business
  17. Next Meeting January  5, 2015,
  18. Announcements
  19. Adjourn