POSTED DATE Dec 30 2015

ANC 6E Is On the Move For 2016!

ANC 6E will meet at the NW One Library at 155 L St. NW on January 5th at 6:30pm.  The NW One Library will be our meeting location for 2016


  1. Election of Officers, Lydia Goring presiding
  2. Call to Order, Attendance/Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes
  3. PSA Reports
  4. ABRA:   Ambar New License
  5. ABRA: Variety Store change of License
  6.  Zoning: Presentation for  317 K Street Hotel/Condo
  7. Zoning:  901 5th Street Hotel
  8. Zoning: Sursum Corda :   Update
  9. DC Bar Large Tract Review
  10. Public Space Application 601 Massachusetts Ave
  11. Public Space Application 1547 7th St.
  12. Treasurers Report
  13. Old Business
  14. New Business
  15. Next Meeting February 1, 2015
  16. Announcements
  17. Adjourn