MEETING DATE Oct 03 2023

October 3, 2023 Meeting

ANC 6E Draft Agenda 

October 3, 2023, 6:30pm 


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Passcode: 448518

#ItemStart TimeEnd Time
1Call to Order and Roll Call6:30pm6:33pm
2Approval of Agenda6:33pm6:34pm
3Approval of September 5 Minutes6:34pm6:35pm
4Updates from Ward 6 Councilmember Allen’s Office POC: Jeanne Mattison6:35pm6:50pm
5Update from Ward 6 Mayor’s Office Representative (MOCR) POC: Marcus Manning6:50pm7:00pm
6Liquor License: Salumeria POC: Mariya Rusciano 7:00pm7:10pm
7Presentation: Georgetown 125 E Street POC: Kelly Blevins7:10pm7:20pm
8Presentation: Georgetown 111 Mass POC: Kelly Blevins7:20pm7:30pm
9Liquor License: The Market, 400 New Jersey Avenue NW (no presentation or vote just announcement)7:30pm7:31pm
10Presentation: Attorney General Office Update POC: Wendy Pohlhaus7:31 pm7:40pm
11PSA Report: Metropolitan Police Department 5D POC: Captain Raul Figueras7:40 pm8:00pm
12PSA Report: Metropolitan Police Department 1D POC: Commander Hall8:00pm8:20pm
13Open Forum. Any commissioner or constituent may raise an issue for discussion. Limit is 2 minutes per item, plus ANC response.8:20pm8:30pm
14Next Meeting: November 7, 20238:30pm8:31pm