MEETING DATE Jul 07 2020

Meeting 7/7/20

Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 6:30 PM

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Link for the meeting:

Meeting ID: 879 1877 7639

Password: 329011

Use the Raise Hand function to ask a question during the meeting.

Dial In number for the meeting:

 +1 301 715 8592 

Meeting ID: 879 1877 7639

Password: 329011

Press *9 to ask a question during the meeting.

This is a public meeting. All video images displayed, and all audio heard during this meeting will be recorded.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 6:30 p.m.

July 2020 Agenda

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call 
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. PSA Reports: Metropolitan Police Department- 1D, 3D
  4. Remarks from Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
  5. DDOT-Update on the New Jersey Avenue Safety Project [6E04]
  6. DDOT-Information on DDOT Slow Streets on N Street and S Street
  7. 1017 7th Street, NW (Pearl’s Bagels Kitchen, LLC): Request for Support for Class “D” Restaurant License [6E04]
  8. 512 Rhode Island Avenue, NW (ADBHS, LLC, Electric Cool-Aid): Request for Support for Renewal of the Class “C” Tavern License to include an Endorsement for a Summer Garden with Entertainment [6E02]
  9. 476 K Street, NW (476 K LLC, The Cloak Room): Approval of the Settlement Agreement [6E05]
  10. Presentation on Cobbs Park by the Department of Parks and Recreation [6E06]
  11. 441 M Street, NW: Request for Support for the Historic Preservation Review Board [6E04]
  12. 509 O Street, NW: Request for Support to Allow Glass Railings on the Rooftop [6E02]
  13. 631 P Street, NW: Notice to ANC of Intent to File a PUD [6E02]
  14. Shaw Main Streets: Request for a Letter of Support for Public Art Building Communities Grant Applications for a Mural [6E01]
  15. Support for ANC 6E Resolution for Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement Employment List [Commissioner Marriott]
  16. Proposed K Street, NW Protected Bike Lane (7th Street, NW to 1st Street, NE) [ANC 6E Transportation Advisory Committee]
  17. Consideration for Additional Speed Bumps in the Alley Between 4th and 5th Street, NW and New York Avenue and M Street, NW [ANC 6E Transportation Advisory Committee]
  18. Old Business
  19. By-Law Discussion
  20. Approval of Minutes of the 6/2/20 Public Meeting
  21. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  22. Approval of Expenses
  23. Announcements
  24. Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 1, 2020
  25. Adjournment