MEETING DATE Dec 03 2019

Meeting 12/3/19

December 3, 2019, 6:30 PM


Northwest One Library

Second Floor

155 L St., NW

Washington, DC 20001

December 2019 Agenda

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call 
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. PSA Reports: Metropolitan Police Department, 1D, 3D and 5D
  4. Update on the New Jersey Ave. Safety Project – Presenter TBD
  5. 1200 Block of 5th St., NW (Mid-City): Request for Support for PUD application
  6. 1407 5th St., NW: Request for Support for Zoning Relief from E-304.1 regarding Lot Occupancy pursuant to E-5201.1 [6E02]
  7. 1101 5th St., NW: Request for Support for Lot Occupancy Variance, Floor Occupancy Variance, and Permission to Allow the Operation of an Art Studio [6E04]
  8. 424 M St., NW: Request for Concept Design before the Historic Preservation Review Board Support [6E04]
  9. 640 L St., NW (Rumi’s Kitchen): Request for Support for Public Space Application for a Sidewalk Café [6E04]
  10. 1015 7th Street, NW (@1015, LLC t/a @1015): Request for Support for Renewal of Class “C” Tavern License [6E04]
  11. 606 Florida Ave., NW (Rito Loco/El Techo): Request for Support for Modification of ABC Restaurant License Settlement Agreement to Allow One Day Substantial Change Permits [6E02]
  12. 1539 7th Street, NW (The Passenger): Request for Support for Renewal of ABC Tavern License [6E02]
  13. Walker Jones Education Campus: Request for Crossing Guards at the Intersection of M St., NW/NE and North Capitol St., NW [6E07]
  14. Resolution Supporting Constituent Request for a Traffic Safety Assessment on 6th St. between M St., NW and Rhode Island Ave., NW [6E02, 6E03, 6E04]
  15. Resolution Supporting the Extension of the Bike Lanes and Crosswalk Improvements on 7th St., NW between N St., NW and Mt. Vernon Pl., NW [6E05, 6E07]
  16. Treasurer: Approval of ANC 6E Quarterly Financial Reports
  17. Old Business
  18. Approval of Minutes of the 11/5/2019 Meeting
  19. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  20. Approval of Expenses
  21. Announcements
  22. Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 7, 2020
  23. Adjournment