Tuesday, January 4, 2022, 6:30 PM
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Link for the webinar:
Password: 973767
Use the Raise Hand feature to ask a question during the webinar.
Dial In number for the meeting:
+1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 857 6457 3983 Password: 973767
Press *9 to ask a question during the meeting.
This is a public meeting. All video images displayed, and all audios heard during this meeting will be recorded. Agenda items subject to change.
January 2022 Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- Election of Officers
- Approval of Agenda
- PSA Reports: Metropolitan Police Department- 1D, 3D
- Report Councilmember Charles Allen on Redistricting
- Report from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services Ward 2/Ward 6
- Report from Chairman Mendelson’s Office
- Report from Councilmember Allen’s Office
- 211 Morgan St. NW Support for a BZA Application to construct a rear, two-story addition, a spiral staircase, to an existing, attached, two-story with basement flat in the RF-1 zone. [6E04]
- Presentation on Parcel 42 Development Project by Dante’s Partners [6E02]
- Approval of Minutes December 7, 2021
- Approval of Treasurer’s Report
- Approval of Expenses
- ANC Security Fund Participation
- 2022 Meeting Schedule
- Announcements
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, February1, 2022
- Adjournment