MEETING DATE Jan 04 2022

Meeting 1/4/22, 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022, 6:30 PM

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Link for the webinar:

Password: 973767

Use the Raise Hand feature to ask a question during the webinar.

Dial In number for the meeting:

 +1 301 715 8592 

Webinar ID: 857 6457 3983 Password: 973767

Press *9 to ask a question during the meeting.

This is a public meeting. All video images displayed, and all audios heard during this meeting will be recorded. Agenda items subject to change.

January 2022 Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call 
  2. Election of Officers
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. PSA Reports: Metropolitan Police Department- 1D, 3D
  5. Report Councilmember Charles Allen on Redistricting
  6. Report from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services Ward 2/Ward 6
  7. Report from Chairman Mendelson’s Office
  8. Report from Councilmember Allen’s Office
  9. 211 Morgan St. NW Support for a BZA Application to construct a rear, two-story addition, a spiral staircase, to an existing, attached, two-story with basement flat in the RF-1 zone. [6E04]
  10. Presentation on Parcel 42 Development Project by Dante’s Partners [6E02]
  11. Approval of Minutes December 7, 2021
  12. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  13. Approval of Expenses
    1. ANC Security Fund Participation
  14.  2022 Meeting Schedule
  15. Announcements
  16. Next Meeting: Tuesday, February1, 2022
  17. Adjournment